Another analysis says cutting taxes and austerity doesn’t work…

Well…read an interesting little study today where Doug Drake, the former head of revenue and tax analysis for the Federal Reserve, finds that dramatic cuts in taxes and spending  like those that have been done since the repubs took control here in Michigan do nothing to increase prosperity or create jobs….read that again, the only thing that the repubs know how to do, that they take for their religion does not work! I know I’ve harped on this before but I think we in the middle and on the left need to keep shouting it until these idiots stop this crap…until they stop making this country crumble with their tax cuts for business and the rich…until they stop allowing children to go hungry for those same tax cuts…until they actually use facts and not faith for economic decisions…this is malfeasance on a grand scale and they need to be held accountable for it…it is just like what I was taught in my masters program…that you can never cut your way to growth…doesn’t work in business, doesn’t work in government either…geez…

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