Well…just as I think that the repubs can’t sink any lower…they come up with a way to do it…just this past week, the house repubs that are working put this little stunner into the ag bill…first a little background…in many “urban” environments, most of the children there get free breakfasts and lunches during the school year since their parents make so little money…and, some of those programs have been continued into the summer to make sure the kids have enough to eat…what the nasty repubs have just done in the ag bill is insert a little clause that said that no “urban” areas will be eligible for funding for summer lunch programs but that rural areas will continue to be funded…basically saying that we are going to let your children starve if you live in an urban area since you don’t vote for us anyway and the reason your children are hungry is that you are a lazy “taker”…not like the rural areas where it is a lack of jobs that is keeping children hungry. This is just the latest manifestation of the Paul Ryan hatred and contempt for the people that live in cities since they are not “real” Americans like those who live in small towns or rural areas….my outrage can’t be overstated here…using the power of government to punish children for being born into the “wrong” families…heartless bastards…still…geez…