Terri Lynn Land truly is stupid…

Well…as I have been searching for topics, I came across this gem from Terri Land who is running to be a senator from Michigan…and who exhibits all of the traits that make the repubs so repulsive. When asked if she supported the auto bailout that has proven to be so successful she says: “I have always supported auto workers (except when she supports the repub goal of breaking the unions) It’s great the autos are doing well…I support the autos”….okay can’t even pretend that I understand a thing she is saying…especially when she supported ole Mitt’s plan to “let Detroit go bankrupt” and is now trying to weasel her way out of it to make it look like she gives a flying damn about workers…which she doesn’t….and then goes on to use the code words of all repubs “I want to go to Washington to make sure we have a competitive environment here in Michigan (you can read that bust the unions and ruin what is left of the middle class by paying Chinese level wages) and that you don’t over-regulate (meaning let business do whatever the hell they want to pollute and scam the system so the 1% gets all of the wealth) and that you don’t over tax and don’t over burden Michigan families…meaning that she wants more tax cuts for business and that she wouldn’t over burden Michigan families by making them make decisions on how to spend or save the extra money they are making since, under her, there wouldn’t be any. The question session ended when her handlers saw that they were going to ask questions that she couldn’t answer truthfully; if she did, she might as well just go home now since she would certainly lose the election. The same old repub BS…lie and lie, then screw the middle class when you get elected…what an idiot…geez…

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