She’s even more stupid than I thought…

Well…since when do candidates run for office when they are completely ignorant of the issues they are going to be deciding for the American people? The latest example (and it seems like there is one every day) of this ignorance comes, again, from Terri Lynn Land from here in Michigan. This time, she was asked a question about net neutrality, the idea that every packet of information that crosses the internet should be treated the same without any interference from the ISP’s or any mechanism for anyone to buy faster speeds to the detriment of those who can’t afford to pay. Here is her response: “I think the internet should be free…it’s a great source of information. I’m on Twitter and a fan of Twitter…it’s a great way to actually interact with the community…” Not a mention of the true issue…and with that no understanding of the issue…how can anyone think she is ready for the US senate? Oh, yeah, she is against abortion and gay marriage…that’s about all of the qualification you need if you’re a repub…geez…

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