Well…it has been a strange day..or a normal day as they have been going lately….felt pretty good until this aft and then the bottom fell out and I have no energy…but, I’m not going to complain too much…just a little….it looks like the lies are starting to catch up to ole Snyder here in Michigan and the old folks, who normally are the core repub constituency, are starting to peel off to the dems with all of the crap he has done to them…and to me…over the past three years they have taken almost 3 grand from my retirement to give pay raises to ceos….and he tries to atone for that by making a website that tries to convince us that things are so good for retirees here…what a frickin laugh….it appears that the media is starting to actually call out these liars…just hope it make a difference and we can send Snyder back to one of 15 houses…geez…