Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was a good thing…slept really, really crappy last night and I think I pulled something from tossing and turning so much…and then up at 6 or so after not getting to sleep until about 1 so that makes it about 4 hours or so of sleep…I’m starting to think that that is the amount that is normal for me….didn’t get much done yesterday since the world cup was on and my prediction of the outcome of the Brazil game was right…but, I am going to talk about that in a post later so I won’t go deeper into that here….I am looking forward to the game this aft to set the final so I will need to get everything done early….and I do have some stuff to do today…have to go out and check on my equipment and run a couple of errands and that might be fun with the top down….not much to do today….I am going to try to clean the bathroom again…and that is try…not sure if I will or not….but, it is getting to the point that the spiders will take over unless I do it…more later….