Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I did get the shower cleaned so I guess that is a start…I did scrub the grout with a brush, too, so that was more work than I planned…will have to do the rest today..or maybe I’ll wait til the weekend…slept really crappy again even with it being a cocktail night so I’m not sure what is going on…and the cocktail night was not any fun so I guess that maybe I’m past that, too…I did have a funny thought this morning when I opened my mail and found my new driver’s license..this could be the last one I ever get…just like the Miata could be the last car I ever own…weird…might be because my birthday is coming up and I just hate getting older…oh, well….not much to do today…the rest of the bathroom and pool but that is about it…and I am going to try to not get further behind here…more later….