Well…getting to the end of the month and I don’t want to fall further behind so I’m going to cheat a little…made a little more cash today so I went ahead and ordered the new rear shock for my bike…only 9 bucks and no shipping and it should be here in the middle of next week…pretty cool…but, it is a cheap one so we’ll see….it can’t be any worse than the one that’s in there now that doesn’t do anything….I did get a lot of work done today, too so I guess I feel good about that…but, I think I do have a bug since I am still coughing and feel crappy even now and it’s late in the day….I think I may buy the new headlights for the car tomorrow but I’m not sure…it would be cool to have some really bright ones…although I seldom drive at night….okay…enough cheating…back to the race….