Well…just saw an ad a few minutes ago that has our wonderful governor, Snyder, lying through his teeth through his surrogates about Medicare….you know the one that they tried in the last election? Where they conflate the cost savings in Medicare to taking the money away from seniors and using it to pay for Obamacare? I wondered how long it would take before they rolled out that lie that was debunked years ago…the 700 billion being a reduction of payment to health care providers and it has nothing to do with the care that seniors get…Medicare is exactly the same as it was but with waste cut out and growth in costs reduced….that’s it, that’s all you have to know about Snyder…he’s no different from any other lying repub….all I have to say to him is “why don’t you run on your record?” Oh, that’s right, his record is terrible so he can’t….so the lies and fear come out…geez…