Well….after reading the reports on the only Senate debate in Kentucky, all I can say is that Mitch McConnell is still evil….after a doddering performance where he couldn’t articulate what he has done for the people of Kentucky, ole Mitch went back to that old attack where he is either lying or doesn’t understand how Obamacare works when he said that he will repeal Obamacare but he will let Kentucky’s sign up website, Kynect, stay. Wow, that’s big of you Mitch…you’ll throw over 500,000 Kentuckians off the insurance they have for the first time in their lives but you’ll let them keep a non functioning website that is worthless without the federal portion of the law. What a great guy! And it just shows you what the repubs have become…the party of can’t…can’t fix our crumbling infrastructure…can’t keep our citizens healthy….can’t do anything but give more and more to the rich….that, to me, is the definition of evil…and ole Mitch fits the description…geez..,.