Well….still not coping well with the debacle from Tuesday but I think I have found a work around by not reading any news…so, I’m going to try that again today…slept crappy again last night but I think this time it is the cold/allergies that are really bad right now…don’t feel bad but just can’t breathe at night…have a really annoying wheeze that is amplified by wearing earplugs and that keeps me awake, too….I did get a bunch of stuff done yesterday and I have more to do today so that will help keep me away from the news, too…..not much to do today…have the grocery run first and then back here to wait for the rain to stop so I can get out…it looks like yesterday will be the last day in shorts on the bike but not for just getting around…still have the goal of getting to t-day but the next week is going to be a trial with temps int he 20′s and 30′s…more later…