Well…I have never been so appalled at any administration as I was today when I read that Holder will not use any of the new evidence that came out of the senate investigation to hold anyone accountable for these violations of both US and international law. I am doubly appalled at his reasoning that goes right back to the “I was just following orders” that he Nazis tried to use at Nuremburg…his new take is that if there was a memo written by basically anyone that said that torture was legal, then no one can be held accountable…this right here is enough to have him fired or tried himself under international law and treaties and I fault Obama and this misguided policy for the continued ruining of the US’s standing in the world….I just hope that some other country will take up the cause and charge any one of these idiots that ordered torture…I talking about you Bush and Cheney and then arrest them when they enter their countries, which is perfectly legal under international treaties that the US has signed. I am speechless that the rot of the Bush years has been allowed to continue…this country is finished….and I mourn for it…