Well…have been thinking about something to write today and just came up with an idea to talk about being alone at Christmas…now, most people have the idea that to be alone at Christmas is a lonely, bad thing and something needs to be done to make sure no one is alone on this supposed “special” day. Let me tell you this….I am spending my 8th or 10th one alone and could not be happier…since I’m not a religious person…the whole idea of celebrating something tied to religion is anethema to me…it seems like doing it would be an acceptance of the religious underpinnings that are clearly fake…if there even was a Jesus, he certainly wasn’t born in December…but, that wouldn’t matter anyway….all of this stuff is just fairy tales concocted by ignorant goatherders whose superstitions are being treated as fact by many of the people in this country…okay…that’s the end of my screed on religion…all I want to say is that I get to lie on my couch and read the paper, while I’m having a relaxing coffee and then get a nice bike ride in on Thursday…and, then make venison tacos for my dinner with the possibility of a nap thrown in there…I’ll bet my Christmas would be the one that many people would have if they could…I’m going to be relaxing…how about you?