Well…have been thinking about this for the past couple of days…ever since the “Alone at Christmas” post and thought I’d come back and revisit that for a few minutes. That was probably the most commented on post that I’ve done of the almost 3,500 since I started this thing a few years back and opened my eyes a bit…some of the comments were so heartfelt, personal, and full of pain that I have decided to not post them…I think the subject of the holidays and being alone, while relatively easy for someone like me who, as you know, is skewed about 45 degrees off from normal, is tough for many, many people and I didn’t mean to make light of it…if that is how you felt, I truly am sorry….and, I hope you can all keep putting one foot in front of the other and carry on….I will try to think a little more in the future…but, if you’ve been here before, you know that might and might not happen….