Well…I’m not sure if you’ve been following the whole nonsense with the under inflated balls that were used in the championship game a couple of weeks ago but I just can’t believe how big of a deal this has become…especially since the Patriots won by more than 30 points…2 pounds of air give that much of an advantage? Never in a million years…this just goes back to every sport since sport was invented…people cheat, one of the best lines I ever heard on this subject was said by Junior Johnson about NASCAR racing many years ago…”if you’re not cheatin’, you’re not tryin”…..not that I condone cheating but 2 pounds of air? Seems to be sour grapes by the team that lost…and lost by a humiliating margin….maybe they should play better…this is what the whiners do…make excuses….and tear down the super bowl that they are supposed to revere so much….not that I give a damn about a bunch of guys making millions to play a kids game….maybe they should stop complaining or go really work for a living….geez…