Well…we all know by now that trump lies, and lies and lies…and he is constantly given tv time to spew them every damn day…and today, the owners of the teams in the NFL are giving him another platform to lie to America with a captive audience at the Super Bowl. From what I’ve read, reporters who have seen the text of the filmed segment, the whole thing is just more of his racist bullshit where he will try to convince people that there is a “crisis” at our southern border when everyone in this country other than trump and his cronies know that’s a blatant lie…and he is going to use this lie filled screed to attack Nancy Pelosi since she has told him there is never going to be money for his damn, stupid wall….never mind that this is not the place for that sort of bullshit, I blame the trump loving owners for allowing this asshole to pollute the airwaves with his racist bullshit…so I, for one will not take part in it…I am going to boycott the Super Bowl and I think every other progressive in this country should, too…we don’t need to reward the NFL and the owners for supporting this corrupt, lying asshole….impeach…
Tag Archives: Super Bowl
Ball gate…
Well…I’m not sure if you’ve been following the whole nonsense with the under inflated balls that were used in the championship game a couple of weeks ago but I just can’t believe how big of a deal this has become…especially since the Patriots won by more than 30 points…2 pounds of air give that much of an advantage? Never in a million years…this just goes back to every sport since sport was invented…people cheat, one of the best lines I ever heard on this subject was said by Junior Johnson about NASCAR racing many years ago…”if you’re not cheatin’, you’re not tryin”…..not that I condone cheating but 2 pounds of air? Seems to be sour grapes by the team that lost…and lost by a humiliating margin….maybe they should play better…this is what the whiners do…make excuses….and tear down the super bowl that they are supposed to revere so much….not that I give a damn about a bunch of guys making millions to play a kids game….maybe they should stop complaining or go really work for a living….geez…
Just can’t get thinking…
Well…it’s been a tough day on the brain and with no topics that have grabbed me, I suppose I’ll just muse a little bit and do a little free form writing. I did see one news item that brightened up my day….Keith Olbermann has a new job at Al Gore’s Current TV channel where he will be news director and then have a new show later in the year…I have not turned on MSNBC since they fired him and that is both good and bad….my outrage level has certainly decreased but it has also resulted in having fewer topics to write about since he covered things that weren’t getting normal media coverage. I wish him well and can’t wait to see what the new show will look like. It looks like the job market may be brightening a little…two people I know that have been out of work long term have recently found jobs so that is starting to give me hope….it would be nice to get back to work before the car dies and I can’t wait to get out of this place and buy a house….it has been okay to not have the maint headaches but I do miss having a place to work on the car….or just wash it…
I laugh so much at the idolatry that the Reagan worshipers have trotted out in the last week…especially from “the one who shall not be named” but it just shows that with the repubs, faith still trumps facts or reality and I have to remind myself constantly that though it may be funny, there are policy decisions being made on this faith that are going to hurt the middle class and give more of the country to the rich and powerful…maybe I should create a shorthand so I don’t have to keep saying rich and powerful, What do you think?
Haven’t really touched on the super bowl yet but I didn’t think it was a very good game…and the halftime show was one of the worst things I have ever seen…that, after all of the bitching that was done about the Who last year, too. I would much rather see geezer rockers with talent than the trendy new thing they tried this year….talent is talent after all, and the Who has been around for 40+ years with many iconic songs that will always be remembered as long as anyone still listens to rock. Where will the black eyed peas be in 5 years? Where is their Baba O’Reilly, or Won’t Get fooled Again, or Who Are You, or Tommy?
That’s about it for now….I’ll try to be more topical later or tomorrow..or you may get another one of these..who knows?