Well…when you look back to where the downward slide of this country started, you only have to look as far as ole ronnie reagan and his dishonest administration…and letting him get away with Iran/Contra when he admitted he broke the law, set the stage for the idiot trump not being prosecuted for his crimes while in office. The whole bullshit of tax cuts for the rich “trickling down” to the rest of us and paying for themselves came from ole ronnie and his cronies, and no matter how many times it has been proven to not work, tax cuts are still the number one policy of the current repubs…but they don’t even give a reason anymore…they know who gets them into office and they need to pay back the rich for those contributions…and ole ronnie started the nasty, lying election advertising, too, and removed the fcc prohibitions against it and killed the equal time rule that leveled the playing field by forcing the media to give opposing views free air time to rebut the lies the repubs always use….so you really can trace all of political problems we see back to saint ronnie and it makes you see why they revere him so much…geez…
Tag Archives: Ronald Reagan
ODS returns…
Well…going to try to get back into the political ones today but I am going to ease back into it with and oldie but a goodie…Obama derangement syndrome and its revival since the repubs won the last election. This syndrome was rampant on the right for the first term of Obama’s but it seemed to die down somewhat, or maybe it’s just that I stopped listening to the noise since the people on the right spouting this nonsense really are deranged. Now, it’s back with a vengeance with the impeachment talk that is reaching a new high since Obama said he is going to do something about immigration since the repub controlled House won’t. Anyone with any connection to reality knows that the steps that Obama is proposing are the same that Saint Ronnie of Reagan and other presidents have done but that doesn’t matter to these idiots….since Obama won’t just roll over and do what he’s told, of course it’s an impeachable offense…I can’t wait for these folks to actually bring the charges…I need a good laugh…geez…
Let’s burst the bubble of saint Ronnie…
Well…I am gagging at the new repub talking point that goes something like this: Saint Ronnie would have responded more quickly to any chemical weapon attack than Obama and would not have allowed anyone to use them when he was in office….and this comes from “top republicans” in congress….what a crock of crap. Do these people not even think of history when they open their mouths? Let’s burst this bubble right now with just a small dose of history that these idiots conveniently ignore…first, during saint Ronnie’s term…the administration knew that Iraq was using chemical weapons in it’s war with Iran and even used satellite photos to tell Iraq where the Iranian troops were…hundreds of thousands killed…second, saint Ronnie stood by when Saddam turned his chemical weapons on the Kurds in Iraq that were revolting against his regime…another 100,000 dead or maimed…saint Ronnie knew and did nothing. So, to say that saint Ronnie is the template for action on the use of chemical weapons is to laugh, and laugh, and laugh….what happened on his watch is so much worse than what is happening now in Syria that the repubs need to just shut up about it…not that they will…truth doesn’t mean anything to them when they think they are scoring political points…geez…
This is too funny…
Well..I have been laughing my butt off this aft even though I feel like crap…ole Terrible Ted has announced he is going to run for president and many on the right think he would make the best president since Reagan…the bar is set pretty low there….Reagan was not too bright and let his administration break the law whenever he felt he wanted to…think Iran/Contra and the many other scandals that occurred on his watch…oh, back to Ted…is this the new low that the repubs have sunk to? That this racist idiot would even be considered just shows that the inmates have truly taken over the asylum…that this guy who has 9 kids with 7 different women is the standard bearer of family values? That this guy who has a predilliction for sleeping with teenage girls will appeal to the christian right? Oh, he may if he just shows that his behavior is the way to ensure control over women and he stands up and says none of the women had an abortion. What about the right wing military vote? Will these folks turn out to vote for old Ted when they know he crapped his pants (literally) to keep from being drafted and sent to Vietnam? I would just laugh if these folks weren’t serious about this nonsense and continue to demean the political discourse in this country….geez…
A couple of things…
Well…have been watching some sports this aft so I haven’t really gotten my brain into the political gear that I need to make some sense of the things that I see happening…but, a couple of things have come up that I wanted to comment on…first, I thought it quite clever today when Obama described behaviors of Saint Ronald of Reagan that would have prevented him from even getting the nomination in today’s repub party…under full disclosure, I voted for Reagan… a mistake that I have had years to savor…what Obama was getting at was Reagan’s pragmatic approach to governance, and the fact that he advocated raising taxes on the rich to have them pay their “fair share” and this was at a rate that was more than 25% higher than it is now….if any repub these days even hints at wanting to do the sensible thing and combine budget cuts with tax increases to help decrease the deficit, they would be run out of town by the rabid tea partiers aided by ole Grover Norquist….it is kind of neat to see the shapes of the general starting to appear and I just can’t see how Romney can win after lurching so far to the right in the primary…alienating women, hispanics, independents, and everyone else except the extreme righties…..and there just is not enough of them to win a general election….can’t wait to see Karly Rove and his super pac spend a 100 million dollars and lose….geez…
Just can’t get thinking…
Well…it’s been a tough day on the brain and with no topics that have grabbed me, I suppose I’ll just muse a little bit and do a little free form writing. I did see one news item that brightened up my day….Keith Olbermann has a new job at Al Gore’s Current TV channel where he will be news director and then have a new show later in the year…I have not turned on MSNBC since they fired him and that is both good and bad….my outrage level has certainly decreased but it has also resulted in having fewer topics to write about since he covered things that weren’t getting normal media coverage. I wish him well and can’t wait to see what the new show will look like. It looks like the job market may be brightening a little…two people I know that have been out of work long term have recently found jobs so that is starting to give me hope….it would be nice to get back to work before the car dies and I can’t wait to get out of this place and buy a house….it has been okay to not have the maint headaches but I do miss having a place to work on the car….or just wash it…
I laugh so much at the idolatry that the Reagan worshipers have trotted out in the last week…especially from “the one who shall not be named” but it just shows that with the repubs, faith still trumps facts or reality and I have to remind myself constantly that though it may be funny, there are policy decisions being made on this faith that are going to hurt the middle class and give more of the country to the rich and powerful…maybe I should create a shorthand so I don’t have to keep saying rich and powerful, What do you think?
Haven’t really touched on the super bowl yet but I didn’t think it was a very good game…and the halftime show was one of the worst things I have ever seen…that, after all of the bitching that was done about the Who last year, too. I would much rather see geezer rockers with talent than the trendy new thing they tried this year….talent is talent after all, and the Who has been around for 40+ years with many iconic songs that will always be remembered as long as anyone still listens to rock. Where will the black eyed peas be in 5 years? Where is their Baba O’Reilly, or Won’t Get fooled Again, or Who Are You, or Tommy?
That’s about it for now….I’ll try to be more topical later or tomorrow..or you may get another one of these..who knows?
Let’s end this Reagan as god nonsense….
Well….if you’ve read the papers or turned on the tv lately, you’ve no doubt seen the increasing deification of Ronald Reagan that has surrounded the 100th anniversary of his birth. You would think this guy was the second coming the way his legacy is being scrubbed and polished by the right as they bow to the altar of tax cuts. There is only one thing that this mediocre at best president should be remembered for and that was his fervent belief in tax cuts for the rich and the whole trickle-down economic voodoo that has been foist upon the country by the repubs ever since. The one thing these idiots don’t want anyone to remember is that those tax cuts that exploded the deficit in the 80′s never resulted in any additional growth in jobs or standard of living for the vast majority of Americans; exactly the same thing we saw with the Bush tax cuts…no job growth and an exploding deficit that the repubs now say is a bad thing when, up to the last year or so, they chanted the mantra that “deficits don’t matter” only to change their tune when the dems took the White House. I hope you remember that this whole tax cut nonsense was based on theories by the disgraced economist Arthur Laffer….and his “Laffer Curve” that proposed that cutting taxes would increase revenue….never happened and yet the repubs are still clinging to those old, thoroughly discredited ideas and trying the same thing again expecting different results.
So, let’s stop this nonsense that he was one of the best presidents in history…best for his party, maybe, but for the vast majority of Americans he was and still is a failure. One note of disclosure here…I voted for this guy…now I cringe at that thought.