Tag Archives: political problems

It’s Reagan’s fault…

Well…when you look back to where the downward slide of this country started, you only have to look as far as ole ronnie reagan and his dishonest administration…and letting him get away with Iran/Contra when he admitted he broke the law, set the stage for the idiot trump not being prosecuted for his crimes while in office. The whole bullshit of tax cuts for the rich “trickling down” to the rest of us and paying for themselves came from ole ronnie and his cronies, and no matter how many times it has been proven to not work, tax cuts are still the number one policy of the current repubs…but they don’t even give a reason anymore…they know who gets them into office and they need to pay back the rich for those contributions…and ole ronnie started the nasty, lying election advertising, too, and removed the fcc prohibitions against it and killed the equal time rule that leveled the playing field by forcing the media to give opposing views free air time to rebut the lies the repubs always use….so you really can trace all of political problems we see back to saint ronnie and it makes you see why they revere him so much…geez…