Let’s burst the bubble of saint Ronnie…

Well…I am gagging at the new repub talking point that goes something like this: Saint Ronnie would have responded more quickly to any chemical weapon attack than Obama and would not have allowed anyone to use them when he was in office….and this comes from “top republicans” in congress….what a crock of crap. Do these people not even think of history when they open their mouths? Let’s burst this bubble right now with just a small dose of history that these idiots conveniently ignore…first, during saint Ronnie’s term…the administration knew that Iraq was using chemical weapons in it’s war with Iran and even used satellite photos to tell Iraq where the Iranian troops were…hundreds of thousands killed…second, saint Ronnie stood by when Saddam turned his chemical weapons on the Kurds in Iraq that were revolting against his regime…another 100,000 dead or maimed…saint Ronnie knew and did nothing. So, to say that saint Ronnie is the template for action on the use of chemical weapons is to laugh, and laugh, and laugh….what happened on his watch is so much worse than what is happening now in Syria that the repubs need to just shut up about it…not that they will…truth doesn’t mean anything to them when they think they are scoring political points…geez…

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