ODS returns…

Well…going to try to get back into the political ones today but I am going to ease back into it with and oldie but a goodie…Obama derangement syndrome and its revival since the repubs won the last election. This syndrome was rampant on the right for the first term of Obama’s but it seemed to die down somewhat, or maybe it’s just that I stopped listening to the noise since the people on the right spouting this nonsense really are deranged. Now, it’s back with a vengeance with the impeachment talk that is reaching a new high since Obama said he is going to do something about immigration since the repub controlled House won’t. Anyone with any connection to reality knows that the steps that Obama is proposing are the same that Saint Ronnie of Reagan and other presidents have done but that doesn’t matter to these idiots….since Obama won’t just roll over and do what he’s told, of course it’s an impeachable offense…I can’t wait for these folks to actually bring the charges…I need a good laugh…geez…

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