Well….not sure if you’ve been following the King v. Burwell case that is in front of the supreme court…you know, the onethat the repubs think will undo the ACA because of 5 words that they want to interpret that healthcare subsidies are only available to those on state run exchanges even though every lawmaker that worked on the law says is not the correct interpretation…they intended that all people on the exchanges, both federal and state would get subsidies for their healthcare costs. Here’s the sick thing about this whole case…if the repubs are successful in gutting the law, the fallout will be on people who live in repub dominated states who petulantly refused to set up state exchanges just because they hate Obama and don’t give a damn about anyone but the rich…and the real irony is that most of the people who will no longer be able to afford insurance will be the ones that elected the repubs….I would say they get what they deserve but no one deserves to be without health insurance…and I should know…I have been without it for 13 years now and not a day goes by that I don’t think about what could happen if I get sick…will have no choice but to pull the plug and just die….something the repubs think is how healthcare should work….and I hate them for it…