Well…during the repub fight against the ACA, one of their go to phrases was the law included “death panels” which would condemn people to death by restricting what type of care people would get under the law…ignoring the fact that that most elderly folks are covered under Medicare and it would have nothing to do with them….but, with a new study that came out today, the real death panel is going to be the supreme court if they rule against subsidies for people who buy their insurance through the federal exchanges…and condemn an extra 10,000 people to death per year since they won’t be able to afford unsubsidized insurance. This total can then be added to the estimated 17,000 people a year that die since the Medicaid expansion was made optional by the court and the governors of repub states decided not to expand the program. So, the only thing you need to remember is there truly is a death panel here in the US, and it is called the supreme court…geez…