Well…I have had this little tidbit rattling around in my head for a little while yet and thought I’d take a stab at it before it rattles out one of my ears…with all of the bad, bad decisions that this court has made, it is no longer a court…but it is the judicial arm of the repub party whose only goal is to further the aims of the right in this country. Starting with Bush v. Gore, where the case should have been sent back to the House where all election disputes are supposed to be resolved according to the constitution….this court took the case with the ruling that said this was a one time thing and could never be a precedent to be cited in any other case (something that had never happened in the history of the country) this court has been radically doing the right’s bidding. Then we have Citizen’s United that made corporations people in complete disregard with a hundred years of precedent and guaranteed the seven figure speaking fees for the justices when they retired…while ruining our political process and allowing the billionaires on the right to buy elections ( as they just did in 2014). Then there is Hobby Lobby, a decision that allowed employers the right to impose their religious beliefs on their employees and which gave the right one of the items that was high on their wish list….to impose Christianity on everyone in this country. In just these three instances, we can see that this supreme court is no longer the impartial arbiter of law they are supposed to be, but the judicial arm of the right using it’s power to advance the right’s aims to the detriment of the country…they need to go…geez…