Well…just a couple of thoughts that I wanted to get down here this aft and not get further behind….you know, repubs are still really stupid….first, you have this fight over immigration with them trying to tie reversing Obama’s immigration policies by tying them to funding for the DHS and acting like a bunch of pouting little brats when the dems don’t roll over and allow it….those immigration policies are nothing different than Saint Ronnie of Reagan did when he was in office and the repubs thought they were great back then…wonder what the difference is? Yeah, we all know the just hate the black guy in the White House…..what was the second stupid thing? Oh, I guess it’s just that they keep doing the same thing and expecting different results…did they really think that even if they passed this crap that Obama was just going to say…”oh, okay, if you say so, I’ll sign it”? Oh, the second thing is ole Boehner’s invite of Bibi…and now 63% of the country said it was a stupid thing to do…so, John, don’t take my word for it, listen to the damn country for a change…geez..