Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a few things done so that was cool…slept okay but had to get up early to start the car…barely…but it did start so that was another good thing…but, tonight, I will be up starting the thing all night so tomorrow will be a low energy day…shooting pool today, though, so I will be able to just laze through the day and recover…had a nice lunch with T yesterday and it was good to see her such good conversations and found out that she was a Star Trek fan when she was a kid…something I didn’t know even though I’ve known her for 17 years…I am starting to feel better but still have the tobacco taste with the toothpaste…I may have to get some gel to try that and see if it is the toothpaste….not much to do today…pool, and then back here for the races later tonight…and keeping the car running…just one more day….more later…