Well…I know that the right hates anyone but the rich getting anything in the US and they have lied and lied about the effects of minimum wage increases…saying that raises eliminate jobs as businesses stop hiring..or cut jobs (which has been found to not be true in every instance)…but they just got caught out in another lie about Seattle’s 15 dollar wage that is slated to start to take effect in April…the right wing rag “The new York Post” had an editorial the other day from a couple of right wing “brains” that pounced on the fact that restaurants are closing across Seattle and they attribute it to the minimum wage that has not even taken effect yet….one little problem…they never talked to any of the owners of the restaurants that are closing to find out why….never mind that places close all the time…and open all the time…these guys just “know” that it is only the minimum wage that is causing it. When Thinkprogess talked to some of the owners that were mentioned in the Post, all of the owners said it had nothing to do with the rising MW…in fact, they all supported the rise. The one fact that the righies failed to mention is that Seattle is in the midst of a “dining boom” with many more resataurants opening than closing, with one owner, who is opening two more places this year, saying ‘opening new businesses would not be smart if they would not be successful”. So, again…the right lies, again, since they just can’t stand that someone other than them gets a leg up in the US…shame on them…