Tag Archives: Donald Trump

The debate….

Well…not sure if you watched the debate last night but if you didn’t, you missed Trump going down in flames and Hillary doing what she always does..being steady and watching with bemusement as Trump tried to make sense…but didn’t. All you really need to know about it was when Trump was asked about his sexual predator attacks on women, all he said was he was sorry, it was locker room talk and the something something ISIS….no answer at all, just deflection to what he perceives to be his strength…foreign policy when the idiot knows nothing about it. The most galling part of the debate was when Trump was told that the Russians were behind the DNC hacks and others and he just said that it didn’t happen…and this is after briefings from the intelligence folks that KNOW it’s the Russians…and told Donald that….so that makes his advancing of the Russian line on the hacking willful support of a foreign country over the interests of the US….if you read the legal definition of treason…that’s it right there…so the nominee of one of our political parties stood there on stage and blatantly committed treason, and that is perfectly fine to his supporters….I just can’t fathom these folks anymore….geez…

This is what it takes?

Well…with the latest revelations that ole Trump has admitted to felony sexual assault, repubs are disavowing him in droves and the RNC has even stopped working for him. My question is: This is what it takes? Not the overt racism, Islamaphobia, or hate that has been endorsed by these same repubs…not the shady business deals or bribes, or misogyny that has been okay with them until now…now they have had enough even though they knew what kind of person he was from the start? That just shows you the rot in the modern repub mind, and the fact that most repubs still support Trump says to me that they are the same inside…little balls of hate and racism that revel in the fact that Trump gave them permission to express their hatred and racism openly, and are proud that’s who they are….I really do hope that Trump doesn’t drop out…he is the perfect representative of the modern repub party and showed to the world who they are…and it’s not pretty…geez…

This is too funny…

Well…it you needed any more confirmation that ole Trump has no relation whatsoever with the truth, you just need to look at a story on Raw Story today that says that his bankruptcy lawyers would only meet with him in pairs since they needed corroborating testimony with Trump lying to them and everybody else…all the time. Let that sink inĀ  a bit…even Trump’s lawyers knew that he was a pathological liar who would lie all the time so they had to cover their asses by having two lawyers in the room. I guess that’s really all you need to know about Trump…and it confirms the analysis done after the first debate that showed that Trump lied over 80% of the time during the debate…I wonder why anyone would ever do business with someone like Trump who can never be trusted…how could he be trusted to be president? The simple answer is he can’t….geez…

More Trump foundation…

Well….yeah, I know…have been doing too much on Trump lately and I promise this will be the last one this week…or, I’ll try to promise it but he is just so ridiculous and it is fun to pick at the idiot…the latest one that just broke is more of the self-dealing that has been rife in his “foundation” since it’s inception. It seems that to get invited to speak at repub gatherings, ole Trump gave “donations” to the organizations that were sponsoring them….yep, they hated him so much that he had to pay to get to speak in front of repubs….and he got personal benefit from it which is against the law. I just don’t understand why Trump gets to just keep on going when one of the myriad scandals of his would have torpedoed any other candidate….there is blood in the water, though, and now maybe it will mean the end of Trump…I sure hope so…geez…

Trump Foundation update…

Well…I am laughing just a little with the latest news on the illegal slush fund called the Trump Foundation…just this morning, the AG of NY filed a cease and desist order telling the foundation that it can no longer solicit donations since it has never filed the correct paperwork or financial disclosures necessary in NY. So, here we go again…another shady deal from the Donald to go with the hundreds of others he has done across the world…now, the AG just needs to follow up on the illegal use of the foundation’s funds for personal gain by the Donald….the response of the Trump campaign was typical…not disputing that they didn’t follow the law and then personally attacking the AG for doing his job…this won’t end well for Donald…

He’s a suuuper genius, I tell ya….

Well…the reasons for the refusal of the idiot Trump to release his tax returns just got a little clearer over the past day or so with a story that the New York Times printed yesterday. Someone sent them a copy of Trump’s 1995 tax return that showed that he claimed a loss of over $900 million dollars for that year…and you know what his toadies are saying about it? That Trump is a genius…that he was super smart to lose all that money so he could use it to offset his federal taxes…yep, they actually called the idiot a genius for losing almost a billion dollars in the mid 90′s when everyone was making money hand over fist….and that huge loss has meant he has not paid any federal taxes for over 20 years…not like you and I who have to pay our taxes to fund the roads and other infrastructure that ole Donald uses for free. And, I’m sure that none of the $900 million was even his money…since he loves debt so much…I wonder what that wreckage looked like to the people he screwed over to lose the $900 mil? Pretty sure they didn’t think he is the super genius that Christie and Giulliani think he is…geez…

This tells you all you need to know…

Well…I was laughing my butt off this morning listening to Keith Olbermann on his GQ web show when he talked about a new poll that asked Trump supporters this question: Do you think the US should build a wall along the Atlantic coast to keep out Muslims? Okay, you know where this one is going to go….31% of Trump supporters thought it should be built..yep, 31% of Trump supporters think we should build a 2600 mile wall across all the beaches and ports along our Atlantic coast, cutting them off from the rest of the country just to keep Muslims out of the country. Now, I’m not sure how all those Muslims are getting here, submarines? Hanging onto the fins of dolphins? Swimming? This poll tells you all you need to know about the stunning ignorance and xenophobia that is the engine behind Trump…I knew there were a lot of proudly stupid people in this country but I didn’t think it was this many…when I was young people were ashamed of being ignorant…but, not these folks, they wear it like a badge of honor…geez….

Trump’s rigged polls….

Well….if we didn’t know that Russia was meddling in our presidential election before, we do now with the revelation this afternoon that the Russians are rigging the online polls taken after the debate to falsely show that the idiot Donald won. All through the day today, Trump and his minions have been tweeting that all the polls except CNN (who did an actual poll that agreed with the focus groups that were run by republicans that Hillary crushed the idiot) showed that Trump won the debate…just one little problem with those polls…when research was done today on where the activity was from the “people” who voted for Trump, more than 90% of the addresses were from the St. Petersburg, Russia area…an area notorious as a hotspot for state sponsored Russian internet trolls who get paid to comment on any story etc, on the internet, and who the Russian government uses to build fake support for its policies. So, there you go, Russia is doing the same thing in our country and Trump and Fox propaganda are eating it up and doing the same thing that Putin does in Russia…using fake “information” to try to sway public opinion….I hope this comes up in the next debate…I want to know who in Trump’s campaign are collaborating with the enemy to rig the election and what they owe Putin for doing it….geez…

Debate wrapup…

Well…not sure if you watched the debates last night but if you didn’t, you missed a pretty sad spectacle of Trump getting gutted by Hillary and looking like an 8 year old compared to her. And, what the hell was it with all the sniffing? Trump sniffed like someone at the end of a 5 day coke binge…almost a hundred times in the hour and a half…now, if Hillary had done that, the entire right wing hate machine would be in overdrive pushing “questions” about her health. But, that was not even the worst of it for Trump, he essentially admitted that he does not pay federal taxes and he loves cheating people that do work for his companies…never have I seen such a lopsided debate…and I won’t be surprised if Trump skips the rest of them since Hillary is only going to get better and Trump is too damn lazy to prepare for the next two. To really understand how badly Trump did, even Fox noise said he failed his supporters and the country…Donald, when you’ve lost Fox propaganda, you’ve lost….geez…

The debates start…

Well….not really sure if I’m looking forward to the debates that start tonight or not…after all, Trump has tried to rig the results by…well…almost too many things to name…starting with attacking the moderator saying he shouldn’t “fact check” anything he says…to lowering the bar for his performance to just continuing to breathe…and he has had so much help from the media to do that I’m not sure if there is any possible way that Hillary can win, even though everyone knows she will. I just can’t understand how anyone in this country can think that Trump is qualified for anything…and he shows his ignorance and hatred every day every time he opens his mouth…do people think that being a loutish asshole is qualification to be president? This country continues to sink to new lows as Trump supporters have been given a pass to reveal their true selves…and with that all dignity has gone out the window…I just shake my head…geez…