Tag Archives: resistance

The resistance begins…

Well…I don’t feel alone anymore…after watching the people across the country coming out in record numbers to protest against trump and his cronies, I know that there are enough people out there like me that all is not lost…the latest estimates are that almost 4 million people protested in the US, making it the largest protest in US history…bigger even than those for the Vietnam war by a large margin and I hope this puts the repubs on notice that they have to pay attention to us…that they will not be able to just do what they want and the protest showed that a large group in this country knows the trump is an illegitimate president and has no mandate to do anything…and the protest across the world shows that everyone knows that trump is an idiot and is only in power by illegal means…I hope it keeps up and we can show that all of us didn’t vote for the idiot in chief….geez…