Tag Archives: Adam Schiff

Don’t worry about Mueller anymore…

Well…with the latest reporting that trump and his cronies have been trying to prevent Robert Mueller from investigating trump’s money laundering through Deutsche Bank, one thought popped into my head…we don’t have to worry about Mueller anymore. Look…with the dems in charge of the house and it’s investigative powers, having the idiot in chief continuing to focus on stopping Mueller is just fine…let him do whatever he wants there because there is not one damn thing he can do about Adam Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee, who has made it clear over the weekend that he is concerned that Mueller is not looking into the Deutsche Bank loans and it’s relationship to trump and his cronies. So, let’s all take a breath and understand that no matter what trump does, he is in for a world of hurt when the truth comes out of the house committees…and there are at least four of them that have taken up their constitutional duty of oversight of the most corrupt, criminal administration in the history of this country…and there are no “red lines”, no anything that is off limits to them…and trump can only watch as they peel back the years of criminality of the thug in chief…impeach….

I think idiot boy is confused…

Well…I am just laughing my butt off this morning with idiot boy’s latest tweetstorm going off on the fact that Adam Schiff is going back to the start with the Russia investigation of trump and how the Russians affected the election in 2016. I think one of the problems is that trump is confused on how the government works but even more than that, he is confused that the bluster and bullshit that has always worked to intimidate people and protect him from consequences of his criminal behavior is no longer working….and he is just not bright enough to think of what else to do…one of the funny things that the bloated moron whined about this morning was that “they never investigated Obama like this”…hey trumpy…Benghazi for 5 years, your damn birther conspiracy that went on for 8 years, e-mails, etc, etc.  so no, they did investigate every damn thing that Obama did but his wearing of a tan suit…but the key here moron? Obama followed the rules and they found no wrongdoing….no bribes in the guise of renting hotel rooms, okay…I don’t need to list all of the lawbreaking and scandals…let’s just leave it at every damn thing you have ever been involved in is rife with criminal wrongdoing and that is why your “life” is being investigated…not some “deep state”, not some grudge, but elected officials who see their duty to the constitution, not to some tin pot dictator like you…so, buckle up buttercup…you’re in for a bumpy ride…oh, and prison…impeach…

Perjury, perjury, perjury…

Well…just read with a little glee in my head that Adam Schiff, the new chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has offered to work with Robert Mueller to determine if anyone who testified to the committee while it was under repub control committed perjury and if they were protected by the repub majority while doing it. Can you say jail time Don jr.? Schiff has said that he will provide the transcripts of all of the testimony before the committee to Mueller as soon as possible…something that the repubs conspired with trump and his cronies to prevent and that is going to put Kushner in jeopardy, too, since it is already clear that almost everyone who testified lied…including Jeff Sessions. So, the immunity that these asses felt is now gone, and Schiff is going to make it clear to everyone that lying to congress is a crime that will be prosecuted…after all, that is one of the counts that Michael Cohen is going to jail for…perp walk, perp walk, perp walk….