Well….as you know, I normally don’t go after those on the left since they actually have some good ideas that would make people’s lives better here in the US…but when they lie or propose something that would be normal coming from a repub, all bets are off and I will. The latest comes from an attack on Bernie by Hillary the other day over healthcare and how it should be delivered in the US…it is well known that Bernie wants a “Medicare for all” single payer system that would insure everyone at birth…and Hillary has stated that she wants to nibble around the edges of Obamacare and try to fix the flaws in that system. Now, that is where the lies come in…the other day Hillary trotted out her daughter to lie and say the Bernie wanted to “eliminate Medicare, Obamacare, and Medicaid” and throw millions of people off their insurance….while technically true; those programs would go away and be replaced by single payer…under Bernie’s plan everyone would automatically have insurance in the new program so no one would ever go without medical care again. Now…I can understand Hillary attacking Bernie since he has pulled even in the polls, but to use lies to do it just echoes the worst of the right and was what led to her downfall in ’08….so, since I want Bernie to win, keep it up Hillary…keep using the repub lite playbook…that will alienate the base that you need to win…what an idiot…
Tag Archives: Bernie Sanders
A little political stuff…
Well…there have been a few developments in politics in the past few days but I’m not sure if they have given me enough to do a whole one on each, so I guess I’ll just start and see what happens. On our side, it looks like the race is tightening in Iowa with the latest polls showing it to be close…not quite a dead heat but Bernie has been gaining…or, Hillary has been sliding back and now we see what is going to happen from the Hillary camp…they are now starting to attack Bernie and I had hoped that we would have stuck to the issues instead of the nastiness that flows from the right….but, I guess it’s politics and to be expected…especially when Hillary was the anointed one back in 08 and she lost that one, too…then we have the latest where Carly and Rand have been demoted to the “kiddie” table debate and ole Rand is throwing a hissy fit about it…saying that he won’t participate…basically saying that the rules don’t apply to him…just like every other repub when they don’t get their way…what a bunch of losers…geez….
Well…it has been an interesting time since Bernie Sanders announced he was running for president and the momentum he has gotten is truly remarkable….the press has even named it “Bernimentum” when they describe it. While this is just another shallow attempt by the press to be funny, the momentum is real, as evidenced by the 10,000 people who showed up to see him in Madison the other day and the thousands who turned out in Iowa…and the three times his visit to Portland, Maine has be moved to larger venues. One of the reasons that I see this happening is that he has ideas to pull the country back from the oligarchy that is running it now and to make the middle class and how they are getting screwed the centerpiece of his campaign. The cool thing is that he truly believes this stuff…and has been consistent throughout his political career on these issues….that is the thing about us on the left, we want talk about issues and their solutions while the right just parrots crap from the Heritage Institute and the Koch brothers….this is a good thing for our side…people are tiring of the tax cuts for the rich nonsense that is the only solution that the right can come up with it…and that doesn’t work…could be a fun year….
Well….have been sitting here today thinking about what to write and I’ve already done most of the things I wanted to so I guess it’s noodling time again….I was a little heartened by Hillary’s speech the other day when she has started to sound like Elizibeth Warren and that move to the left is what I have been waiting for from the dems for a long time…if dems are dems and we get out the vote we win….and there was no one even talking to all of us on the left until now…but, I still like Bernie Sanders more since he is the real item…he just has to keep saying what he has been saying his whole career…I think you can call him authentic…I am really surprised as he is) by the size of the crowds that have been coming out to see him…I think that’s pretty cool…okay…so I didn’t noodle much…I finally got a second one done this weekend…
Bernie Sanders is in….
Well…got a bit of good new today with the announcement that Bernie Sanders, the independent from Vermont, is running for president. You’ve heard me talk here of my admiration for Bernie and his untiring efforts to tilt the scale back towards the middle class and actually do something about the rich taking everything in this country. One of the things this candidacy will do is push the dems back to the left and away from the corporate wing of the party that is the home of the Clintons since he is an avowed socialist that truly believes that the country is better when it has a regulated economy, not the winner takes all one the the repubs have championed for the past 30 years or so. I can hear the heads explode on the right when they hear a real socialist talk about equity and the rigged economy we now have…but they will also hear of the separation of church and state…something the christian taliban here just can’t abide. I am happy that Bernie is now in the conversation…there will now be ideas talked about, not just personalities…go Bernie!
Run. Bernie, run…
Well…with all of the pundits going with the conventional wisdom that Hillary is going to be the nominee for 2016 from the left, a small bombshell was dropped yesterday when one of my favorite senators, Bernie Sanders, said that he is thinking of running for president and I almost jumped out of my chair and cheered…if you don’t know Bernie, he is registered an independent but caucuses with the dems, but is the old throwback type of politician who is honest, and does not care who he pisses off be it the right, wall street, or even the cowardly dems who won’t stand up for the people who elected them…the biggest champion of the middle class going, along with Elizabeth Warren and someone who I could easily vote for and support…this man calls out the idiots and the afraid in congress to try to forge a new day for the middle class and is not afraid of taking on the money in this country…now, we just need to get Liz to run with him and we on the left would have our dream ticket….run, Bernie, run….
You just gotta love Bernie Sanders…
Well…just a shorty on a couple of things…not sure if I am going to comment on this stuff but just pass it on…read the other day that Senator Bernie Sanders is readying legislation to institute a single payer plan for people to get health insurance to cut the insurance companies out of the profits and immediately lower the cost to everyone…this would help in a couple of ways…with a pool that large, it would be easy for the plan to control costs of medical procedures across the country and you wouldn’t have different costs depending on where you live…one example of this is the spread from high to low for an appendectomy…one study showed a cost that ran from 1,000 dollars to 14,000 dollars for comparable cases…and, in Bernies plan, the single player plan would be allowed to negotiate drug prices with the drug companies which could save billions of dollars every year. So, give em hell, Bernie…we need people like you….
Thank you, Bernie Sanders…
Well…there are stirrings of revolt in the middle and on the left about the bastardized compromise that Obama has fashioned on the tax cuts…he gave away the store to the thugs and extortionists without getting one thing that will help get the budget back under control without doing it on the backs of the middle class. The most sickening thing that I have heard out of the repubs is that we “all” have to sacrifice to make this happen…I have to ask, “what have the rich sacrificed?” Not a damn thing..but they right wants us to take cuts in UI, social security, and every other program that helps the little guy while making sure that their buddies won’t have to sacrifice a thing..in fact they can just keep saying more, more, more…and steal what little is left of the American dream.
That brings me to Bernie Sanders, the independent from Vermont who has promised to filibuster any bill that gives the store away to the rich…at least someone understands that this is not a county of, by, and for the rich and connected. Thanks Bernie, keep up the good fight…geez…