Tag Archives: Elon Musk

Poor Elon…

Well…I really don’t know why the cult has grown up around ole elon…I mean how hard is it to get rich when you start out with over 400 million dollars from daddy’s emerald mine where he made his money paying slave wages in the apartheid South Africa? And now, it looks like his not too brilliant move of buying twitter is going south in a hurry…especially when it looks like he paid about ten times what the company is worth and twitter has never made a profit…so how smart is it to take on 44 billion in debt when there is no profit to pay it back? Ole elon’s moves since he bought the company are head scratching at best…I mean firing half of the people who built it and are the ones who know how it runs and allowing the haters and trolls free reign so that hate speech, antisemitism, and maga bullshit has flooded it to the extent that most of the major advertisers have run for the hills…how does that make it more profitable? In a normal takeover, there are assets that the company taking over another can sell and strip all the money out of pension funds, etc. and then run away with everything that is worth anything…but what is there in twitter that is worth anything? No buildings, no factories, no stores, no inventory…the only thing that has any value is the goodwill of the users that is rapidly being killed as elon shows everyone he is just another petty little maga asshole and most thinking people don’t want to have anything to do with him….I really don’t think he’s playing 11 dimension chess on this one….just another rich guy thinking he knows more than anyone else….geez…

57 Russian bots…

Well…when ole elon said that nothing would change on twitter after he took over, he was either stupid or lying…since he took over last Friday, I’ve had 57 Russian bots follow me when I had a total of about 8 followers who were real people before…and there is really no reason for anyone to follow me on twitter, I don’t post there very often and when I do, it something about music or riding the bike or some such nonsense that it would not interest anyone but me…but now I have over 60 followers and the funny think is the pictures they have attached to the accounts are all good looking women…kind of  a clue to the fact that they are Russian bots. So, again ole elon is doing Russia’s work for it by cutting the content moderation and the bot detectors back to the point that most of twitter is going to be bots, not anyone you want to hear from…and that will mean that Russian disinformation and lies about our elections is going to explode over the next week…basically making twitter useless…good job elon…geez…

It’s bullshit, twitter has changed…

Well…you know, I had to laugh when ole elon tried and tried to convince people that twitter wouldn’t change when he took it over…but it has already…I used to get a lot of topics for my political stuff from the news feed I had set up on there but as soon as elon took over, my entire feed disappeared…every person I followed, every news site I read was gone and I’ve spent the past couple of days trying to recreate it but it’s not the same…there used to be surprises every day from random websites that ended up in my feed, but that doesn’t happen after elon…it used to be surprising when their algorithm saw what I was interested in and found other sites that fit right in…like music users that would end up reminding me of music that I had forgotten so I could go find it again and listen to it…and the right wing bullshit and lies that are now allowed on the site when moderators used to kill that crap is inching me ever closer to just saying the hell with it and deleting my username and trying to find somewhere else to get my news and a few smiles every day…and a lot of the lies are from elon himself since he is a maga asshole who just loves trump…if there was ever a good reason to tax the shit out these billionaires, this is it…they are being allowed to ruin this country and steal everything that is not nailed down…if there is anyone out there who enjoys alternatives to twitter, please let me know…I’ve had enough…

Elon Musk is a terrible person…

Well…it it wasn’t already bad enough that ole Elon has gone full maga and joined the rest of the Putin worshipers in the repub party, this week he showed just how terrible of a person he is…after his conversation Putin earlier in the week, ole Elon started pushing the Russian line that Ukraine should “negotiate” with Russia and let them keep all of their occupied territory…and that was bad enough but his latest support of Putins terrorism by threatening to shut off his starlink internet satellites that Ukraine depends on for communication since Putin shut down internet service to Ukraine at the start of the invasion is even worse…and he says it’s just that he doesn’t want to pay for it anymore…which he hasn’t since the US government paid for it up until now…and the cost of his starlink system is going to be there even if he cuts Ukraine off since he already launched the satellites and put they system together….so what is the reason he is threatening Ukraine now? Could it be that this subject came up in his little “talk” with Putin? No matter what the reason is, it IS a reason why to tax these asshole billionaires so they can’t affect the US’s foreign policy just because they are rich….I know I’ve called for a lot of boycotts since I started this site but can you think of a better person to make less rich that ole Elon? Yeah, with this crap, I didn’t think so…I’ve even taken to not watching any of the Space x launches anymore…and I sure wouldn’t ever buy a Tesla with how crappy their quality is….and my carbon footprint from my Miata is as low as a ICE car can go with driving less than 30 miles a week so it wouldn’t help the Earth anyway….Boycott everything Elon…

So now Elon Musk is a Russian agent…

Well…a long time ago, I thought that ole Elon was actually not a bad guy even with the racism that is rampant at his Tesla factory in California…but now, with his choice to pal around with trump and his minions, he is showing he is just another maga asshole and that fact was further highlighted with the revelation that, before he commented that Ukraine should “negotiate” with Russia and that Crimea should stay an occupied Russian territory, ole Elon talked personally to the war criminal Putin to get what talking points Putin wanted him to say…now, if I was elon, I would be registering as a foreign agent of Russia before the feds show up at his doorstep…or better yet, if you think so much of Putin and Russia as the whole repub party does, I don’t think anyone would miss you if you moved there permanently…I sure wouldn’t miss your bullshit or you letting the criminal trump back on twitter if that sale ever goes through…this is how you treat a country who welcomed you from South Africa? Now, I’m as big a free speech supporter as anyone, but when you consort with our enemies and push their propaganda, that is giving aid and comfort to the enemy…and that is the definition of treason….better lawyer up…geez…

Something’s wrong with Elon…

Well….not sure if I’ve seen another human being melt down in real time but we are seeing it right now with ole elon and it is not pretty….and every time he opens his mouth, tesla stock takes another nosedive losing almost 10% Friday…meaning that tesla has lost hundreds of billions of it’s worth since elon started to try to buy twitter and shot his mouth off that he is only going to vote for repubs from now on…and that is really no surprise since the repubs are the party of the pouty billionaires who know they won’t make them pay their fair share of taxes…I wonder how the board of tesla feels about ole elon tanking the stock price by almost 50% from it’s high? And how he is alienating the normal left leaning tesla buyer with his pronouncements that he is now full maga? How many coal rolling maga folks buy teslas? I think all of this stems from him having someone say no to him for the first time in his life and not falling to their knees and worshiping him like he is used to….and his petulant reaction to is is just like a spoiled child that lashes out when he is told no….and let’s remember, ole elon is not a self made man…he inherited hundreds of millions from his daddy who was an emerald mine owner…and remember that he bought into tesla, he didn’t invent them he just brought cash to a product that was already in progress before he showed up….if anyone cares about him, they should pull him aside and call him out on this craziness and try to put him back on at least a quiet path….it costs quite a few people lots of money as he careens around shooting his mouth off….and as much as I like to see rich assholes lose everything, I feel for the workers at telsa that are going to pay the price for elon’s maga conversion…

Shouldn’t the SEC investigate Musk?

Well… with ole elon manipulating the stock price of both tesla and twitter with his loud mouth, moronic proclamations, shouldn’t the SEC start an investigation into what the hell is going on? Since this moron announced he was going to buy twitter using tesla stock as collateral, the price of tesla is down almost 40% which is the trigger for elon having to pay back the entire loan immediately…and there is no way he can come up with 44 billion dollars in cash…so today, he announces that the twitter purchase is on hold for some bullshit reason, and tesla stock goes up by 10% getting him out of the danger zone….and the kicker is that twitter stock dropped by 12%, making the company worth much less than the amount that ole elon offered for it…if this is not illegal stock manipulation, than what the hell is? This is not the first time he has done this, and with the established pattern of him doing the over and over, now is the time for the SEC to launch a criminal investigation and stop another rich guy from thinking the law doesn’t apply to him…geez…

Could it be karma?

Well…you know, there are times that I do believe in karma and that people get what they deserve when they are so damn terrible people…and yesterday was one of those days when Tesla’s stock dropped almost 140 billion dollars in reaction to ole elon borrowing against it to buy twitter…and the sick thing is that it means nothing to elon…he still has 300 billion dollars and there is just something wrong with that…and the shenanigans have already started at twitter with conservative assholes gaining thousands and thousands of followers while the progressive voices have been losing them hand over fist…even Mark Hamill has lost over 8,000 followers since the sale of twitter was announced…and ole elon’s freedom of speech bullshit has been revealed to be just that…all he wants is to be free of twitter’s moderators and be able to attack whoever he wants…starting with some twitter execs who were then piled on by all of the deplorables who elon is allowing back on twitter…okay, he doesn’t own it yet so I’m not sure how much he had to do with it but he was setting the example that attacks are just peachy with him if they are to support him…hmmm…who does that sound like? trump?  Yep….and he is just trying to intimidate people who work for twitter to show them that when he is in charge, they will have hell to pay if they cross him…and that is exactly what elon does…when he disagrees with someone or they disagree with him, he wants twitter to be able to launch an even bigger attack that the people he is attacking can’t respond to…and that is not “free speech”, it is just another rich guy trying to shut everyone else out of any conversation…after all, the only people these rich assholes think should have the right to speak to them are other rich guys…geez…

The financials don’t work…

Well…I promise you this will be the last one about twitter and ole Elon today but it deals with just another one of the confusing details about why he is buying twitter in the first place….and this one will be short so no TLDR….when you look at the details of the deal, it looks like Elon will be borrowing around 25 billion dollars to make the deal and at 4-5% interest on the loan, that is about 1.5 billion dollars in interest alone…and the funny thing is that even in it’s best year, twitter has never made that much money…maybe a billion dollars or so and that means that Elon is going to have to squeeze a half a billion dollars of cost out of the organization to make it work…and isn’t that always the way? Venture capital or billionaires swoop in and the first thing they do is fire everyone who is making any money so they can pump the stock and then dump it…with twitter going private, that won’t be the case here with the stock but there still needs to be a half billion dollars in costs taken out since analysts agree that there is not enough potential revenue growth to support the half billion in extra profit. So why? Could it be as simple as a thin skinned billionaire getting pissed that people on twitter don’t kiss his ass as much as he thinks they should? That would be a laugh and right now it is as good an explanation as any other…geez…

Let’s remember this about Elon….

Well…before anyone else feeds the world the bullshit that Elon Musk is  a “self made” man, let’s remember this about him…he was born rich in South Africa where his father owned an emerald mine and made his money on the backs of black laborers in the apartheid era when they were treated as little better than slaves and who lived in shanty towns with no running water or any other services like electricity while Elon and his family lived in a palatial estate and that he inherited along with the mine…so it’s bullshit that he “built” everything that he has…like most other billionaires, he started out with a few hundred million from daddy or grandpa and then used the power of that money to get where he is…and when you see the union busting tactics at his tesla plants and the widespread racism that permeates them, and the fact that he was a regular visitor at the idiot boy’s WH tells you all you need to know about him….he is not someone to hold up as any sort of  a role model, after all, he can come up with 44 billion to buy twitter but whines, whines, and whines about having to pay any taxes at all…just another billionaire moocher whose companies wouldn’t exist without the largess of the US people and government….geez….