Tag Archives: Merrick Garland

Kavanaugh should be sweating…

Well…it looks like the lying drunk Kavanaugh just might have some problems in the future if a dem senator gets his way…just the other day, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse sent a letter to AG Merrick Garland asking him to conduct proper oversight in the FBI’s probe into Kavanaugh which Whithouse contends was “politcally constrained and perhaps fake” and the FBI did their best to make sure that no information detrimental to Kavanaugh was allowed into any report by ignoring witnesses and setting up a fake tip line that sent tips directly to the trash bin. Whithouse also wants to find out who was running the show and what political interference was done and by whom….while this may not get Kavanaugh off the court…it will forever taint his tenure there and maybe, just maybe we could get the senate to impeach the liar…with the repubs, we’d never get a conviction and removal, but then the whole world will know his seat is not legitimate and that will further destroy the legitimacy of the court…and maybe force some reform there? We can hope….

Okay Jeff Flake, you’re up…

Well…with all of the posturing that is going on with the supposed “moderate” repubs on the Kavanaugh investigation, I rally have to revisit one comment that Jeff Flake made a few days ago when he said that if Kavanaugh lied to the senate, his nomination was over..well Jeffy, in his testimony just last week, Kavanaugh lied to your face about his knowledge of the Ramirez allegations, saying that he didn’t know anything about them until he saw it in the Sept 23rd article in the New Yorker…only one small problem with that…there are witnesses and text messages that show that Kavanaugh was involved in trying to cover up this assault all the way back in July…trying to get friends (and witnesses) to go on record saying that none of it happened…my question here for Flake, Murkowski, and Collins is: is witness tampering enough for you to vote no? Kavanaugh knew there was an active investigation happening and tried to get people to lie for him…and that is subornation of perjury and another in the long line of felonies that Kavanaugh has committed just in his confirmation hearings….and just yesterday, there was an ethics complaint lodged with the current court he sits on alleging that Kavanaugh lied in his confirmation hearings for every court he has been on…and in a delicious bit of irony, the person who is charge with investigating these claims is Merrick Garland…the eminently qualified judge who was not even given a hearing for his appointment to the SC since McConnell was not going to have a judge appointed by Obama…karma is a bitch, isn’t it, Brett?

Attempted rape…

Well…just a short on on the fact that the repubs are minimizing the allegation that Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape a 15 year old girl when he was 17, saying since he didn’t finish it, it’s all okay and he was a good guy for it….never mind that the 15 year old was kicking and screaming and trying to push two 17 year old men off her….and has been traumatized ever since…which I can understand. We just need to look at other cases where the privilege of the rich and connected was not in play to see how serious this crime is treated across this country…just the other day, a 20 year old man was sentenced to 40 years to life for exactly the same crime that Kavanaugh is accused of…and there have many other cases that I have seen that had sentences that ran from 10-20 years in prison…and now the repubs won’t even let the normal investigation of a SC nominee happen? The corruption of the repub party is complete…with the destruction of the constitution done by McConnell with not letting the Garland nomination even come to a vote, and now protecting an accused rapist and liar and jamming his nomination through in direct contravention of the normal rules of the senate, McConnell and his cronies will be remembered as the worst of the worst…and I hope they rot in hell after the damage they’ve done….