Well…just read a great article over on Kos about the transcript of the head of Fusion GPS’s testimony to the House committee investigating trump/Russia and it is an eye opener….contrary to the senate transcripts that showed that all the repubs there wanted was to try to smear Fusion and discredit Glenn Simpson, the head of the company, the house committee appeared to be really trying to get to the bottom of the scandal. What we have to remember through all of this is that the author of the Steel dossier was working independently as a contractor and the rest of Fusions research was done by Fusion’s employees….and that staff are experts in financial research. What fusion found was that the idiot trump has been supported by and conspiring with mob figures his entire life…starting with the Italian Mafia when he was younger, and when the FBI destroyed the NY mob he was conspiring with, trump moved on the Russian mob…or the Russian government, since they are one and the same thing…all run by Putin. A couple of points that stuck out to me and that I wrote some about earlier was how Fusion discovered that the Russians have been infiltrating conservative organizations across the country, with the NRA becoming one of the money funnels they used to help steal the election for trump, and that almost all of trump’s money comes from trusts set up by daddy…he never has been the “great businessman” that he brags about all the time. What I get from Simpson’s testimony, that comes from public records only, is that there is plenty of evidence to convict the entire trump crime family, and it is only a matter of time until they are all indicted…and that day can’t come too soon….impeach….
Well….everyone other than the idiots on the right know that in the near future, the idiot trump is going to be charged with money laundering through his real estate deals…and now, it looks like his little girl Ivanka had been doing the same thing through her jewelry company. Just the past day, it was reported that the Bank of Dubai has subpoenaed the records of her defunct company, alleging that it had used sales of “mountains” of diamonds to launder money for, guess who? Mainly Russians…and it seems like it’s always Russians in everything this crime family does….are we now getting tired of this low life bunch of crooks? I wonder if those idiots knew that getting into politics with the shipping containers full of skeletons they have would lead to all of them going to jail? Nope, probably not…they just aren’t that bright…..impeach….
Well….another bit of good news surfaced this morning when I read that Mueller has subpoenaed the idiot trump’s bank records from Deutsche bank dealing with any money that came out of
Russia….and this is really significant since this bank has been in the center of Russian money laundering investigations for years now and has paid fines of over a billion dollars for facilitating money laundering around the world. Now, this is the “red line” that trump said could not be crossed or he would fire Mueller…but why is this the “red line”? It’s pretty obvious that the idiot boy knows that he is guilty of money laundering and this bank is in the center of his connection to Russia and Putin and Putin’s cronies who have kept trumps house of cards from falling in on him….and is one of the reasons that trump favors everything Russia…oh, and the good thing here is not just the subpoena, but it is the fact that the records have already been turned over to Mueller and he and his team are already tearing through them as we speak…and I’m pretty sure it won’t take too long for the obvious lawbreaking to be uncovered…the tweetsorm from the idiot in chief is going to be furious over the next few days…pop the popcorn…impeach…