Well….I just had to laugh when I read this quote from ole Eric: “I am increasingly concerned about the growing mobs at the protests”…okay, I’m laughing again just writing this….and this is coming from a self-avowed “protector” of the Constitution who probably has never read the thing…if he had, he would have noticed the little thing called the first amendment that ensures the right of the people to “peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances”…..what about that Eric? What about your precious tea party who were anything but peacable…with the guns, slogans, and chants proposing violent attacks on the government?
As I said yesterday, these guys should be afraid of any movement that wants to restore the fairness to this country…that wants to make sure that the political system can’t be hijacked by a few rich people or corporations anymore….maybe we can make ole Eric go away…
Well….it seems that the story line in the country has started to change…away from the nonsense of modern conservatism and it’s fealty to Grover Norquist and business, and back to the real ills of this society…the concentration of money and power in the top 1% and the lack of good, middle class jobs. The country is finally waking up and saying enough…enough of having 400 people owning more than the poorest 150 million…enough of the drumbeat of deregulation that crashed the economy and made the distortion of the rewards of the economy even worse…enough of having corporations write the laws and buy elections that silences the rest of us. In the “Occupy Wall Street” movement and the newfound backbone of president Obama, there is finally hope that even an overeducated old guy will be able to find meaningful work….and to contribute to society again. I am still optimistic about this country changing by a real, old fashioned revolt of the center and left….if you want to read a really inspiring statement of purpose, go out to the occupy site and take a look at the one that was issued yesterday…it succinctly details what is wrong and how to fix it…and it has so irritated the right that they have brought out the “communist manifesto” label to try to belittle it….I guess they must be running scared…and they should be….
Well…it is getting to be an exciting thing watching the protests against the unbridled greed of Wall Street spread across the country but I still have my doubts that it will have any effect on the nonsense that is going on on Wall Street and in boardrooms across the country. The first example of this cluelessness came from the statement that Michael Bloomberg made yesterday commenting on why the protesters were there…he seemed to think that the demonstrations were against the unions and the working folks that work on Wall Street other than the thieving bankers who are the sole purpose of the protests. I just shows that the repubs have tunnel vision and are still trying to play us working (or unemployed) folks against each other to distract us so we won’t see that the rich thieves have stolen almost all of the country over the last 20 years. This absolute contempt for working folks is again on display with what happened at HP over the last couple of weeks…the CEO was just dismissed after 10 months on the job which is generally considered to be a utter, dismal failure…but did he walk away with nothing for such lousy performance? Nope, this idiot walked away with over 13 million dollars in compensation…yep, 13 million for doing nothing for 10 months…and this moron truly feels he earned it…that is what is wrong with this country…the rich do nothing and make mountains of cash while they steal and steal and steal from the rest of us…how many people could have been kept working for that 13 mil? Geez…
Well…I was going to go off on Nolan Finley again for his nonsense that the left is irritated with the tea party because they tell the truth…but as everyone knows, the right has their version of “truth” that never fits up with the facts…and Nolan is just a little. little, man trying to hold onto a past that is fast reaching its end. What I did want to talk about is the “Occupy Wall Street” protest that is going on in New York as we speak and one of its aims to call attention to the continued thievery that is rampant; aided by the tea party and it’s corporate overlords. I find it funny that one of the reasons that the media has been slow to cover this story is that they don’t have a clear agenda or should I say a set of talking points that lends itself to the 5 second sound bite that “news” has degenerated into. But, that is the whole point….a true grass roots movement that is trying to take on what is wrong with this country can’t be summed up into talking points….the mess that the repubs have made is so wide reaching and insidious that it takes time to figure out what the people need to fix the situation. A true grass roots rebellion is run by the people rebelling and the diversity of it’s ideas comes from the diversity of the people in it…of the “99′ers”, those of us that are not in the 1% who continue to take, and take, and take without regard to the damage they are doing to the rest of the country. I also find it funny that this true movement of the people is being compared to the sham movement of the tea party; which is bankrolled by the billionaires and whose mouths are filled by the talking points those billionaires want them to say.
I want to end with just a word of thanks to those who are on the front lines in New York and to the rest of us who try everyday to wrest control of this country out of the hands of the 1%…..maybe this time money won’t be able to run us over and leave us for roadkill…I can hope anyway….