Category Archives: Politics

This is huge and no one noticed….

Well…with all of the election coverage of our great win in Alabama, a huge occurrence happened here in Michigan an no one really noticed. Just this week, petition signatures were approved that puts non-partisan redistricting on the ballot for 2018….yep, you heard that right, this proposal would take the 2020 redistricting out of the hands of the repubs who have cheated through gerrymandering to maintain their strangle hold on Michigan politics even though they have gotten many less votes…and now, that is going away if we can pass this citizen fueled effort on the ballot. One of the things that people must understand is the only reason that the repubs control the government is that they cheat…without the ability to cheat, they would be the minority party they deserve to be…and I don’t mind that this same gerrymandering would be prevented when the dems take control in the future…why wouldn’t anyone with ethics and honor want our elections to be fair? With the court cases across the country that are throwing out the repub drawn maps almost daily, and now with referendums that will force fairly drawn maps, we are finally turning the tide from the repub cheaters and taking back our democracy from the big money that props up these cheaters….it’s about damn time….

Yay for Alabama….

Well….as promised, I’m back with some comments on the senate election in Alabama that was held yesterday and the stunning upset that saw the dem, Doug Jones, defeat the child molester, Roy Moore. One of the problems I saw from this race was that there was almost no policy discussions during the campaign, but just the standard, cliched, demonization of Jones when the repubs tried to paint him as a tax and spend liberal…even trying to use Nancy Pelosi as the boogyman to scare voters into voting for Moore. But, none of that could overcome the fact that Moore is probably the worst candidate they could have run…being tossed out of the Alabama supreme court twice for misconduct and for his statements that being gay should be against the law among all the other bigoted crap that came out of his mouth. I think the fact that the idiot trump supported Moore also weighed in the loss and gives me hope that trump will be the anchor the sinks the repubs next year. So, let’s bask in the win for just a little while but then get back to work building a truly diverse coalition that will win us the house and possibly the senate next year…congrats Doug!

The repubs own Roy Moore…

Well…with the probable election of Roy Moore to the senate from Alabama, the repub party has now become the party of lawbreakers, pedophiles, and liars…yeah, I know, no big revelation there…they have been that way since the era of Newt Gingrich. Now the next question to be asked is “who are the people who would elect an accused child molester?” Now, I don’t want to tar all of the people of Alabama with being racist idiots, but the polls show that many of them are…and the evangelicals are the worst….with 70% of them thinking that whatever Roy Moore might have done, and that includes getting thrown off the Alabama supreme court twice for breaking the law, he is still better than the much more qualified dem running…I guess they would vote for a murderer if he would just spout that he has religion even though, like the idiot trump, he doesn’t live it. I have tried to not tar a group of people with a broad brush over the past few years, but the people of Alabama have proven to the country that they are the racist, misogynist, idiots that they appear to any rational observer….they have the chance to blow that stereotype up by voting for Doug Jones tomorrow..but they won’t…geez….

As I said…petty….

Well….as you know, I very seldom come back for second ones on the weekend since most of you read this stuff at work…but, with the one I did on the idiot trump’s pettiness the other day, and reading more about that today, I just had to come back for a short one. Over the past couple of days, it has been revealed just how petty the idiot can be when he asked Ronna Romney McDaniel to stop using Romney in her name since he is in a feud with Mitt Romney…yep the daughter of George Romney has been asked to stop using her name since it hurts the idiot’s fee fees…..never in my life have I seen such a petty, small man and the worst part is that she did it…that is the cult of trump on full display…she should have told him to go to hell….impeach…

Trump is so damn petty….

Well…if you needed any more evidence that the idiot trump is a petty, small man, you just have to look at the Hanukkah celebration that was held in the WH this week. None of the dem members of congress were invited, and neither were anyone from the progressive Jewish community…which means he held a Hanukkah celebration without any Jews…and only about 300 people showed up compared to 1700 who attended when Obama was president. I’m not sure if the turnout was from people not showing up or that the idiot didn’t think enough of Jewish citizens to even make any effort. This is the first time in history that this ceremony was used for petty, partisan payback but what does anyone expect from this petty, small man? Impeach….

That isn’t how it works…

Well….the dumb doesn’t fall far from the tree when little donnie trump is involved…not sure if you saw the news reports on his testimony to congress yesterday, but little idiot donnie didn’t answer some questions about the lies that were told when the big idiot put together the excuse for little idiot meeting with a room full of Russians…and his excuse…attorney client confidentiality…..yep, he tried that old one just because, as he says, there was a lawyer on the call when he was talking to daddy…..but, that’s not how that works….these folks are so dumb and don’t understand the law at all that it’s a wonder they haven’t ended up in jail already…attorney client privilege is only applicable between a client and his personal lawyer….and it is not a get out of jail free card just because some random lawyer is listening in…and whoever the lawyer was, it was not little donnie’s lawyer so privilege doesn’t apply….it is just so funny how these morons think they are the smartest people in the room and think that if they spout something they heard on “Law and Order”, it’s absolves them of their lawbreaking…that’s just not how it works, donnie…..and now the committee needs to haul his ass back in, under oath, and make him testify…this delusional attorney client nonsense will not protect him…impeach….

Mueller has trump’s bank records…

Well….another bit of good news surfaced this morning when I read that Mueller has subpoenaed the idiot trump’s bank records from Deutsche bank dealing with any money that came out of
Russia….and this is really significant since this bank has been in the center of Russian money laundering investigations for years now and has paid fines of over a billion dollars for facilitating money laundering around the world. Now, this is the “red line” that trump said could not be crossed or he would fire Mueller…but why is this the “red line”? It’s pretty obvious that the idiot boy knows that he is guilty of money laundering and this bank is in the center of his connection to Russia and Putin and Putin’s cronies who have kept trumps house of cards from falling in on him….and is one of the reasons that trump favors everything Russia…oh, and the good thing here is not just the subpoena, but it is the fact that the records have already been turned over to Mueller and he and his team are already tearing through them as we speak…and I’m pretty sure it won’t take too long for the obvious lawbreaking to be uncovered…the tweetsorm from the idiot in chief is going to be furious over the next few days…pop the popcorn…impeach…

The repubs truly are evil….

Well…the true evil of the repubs has been revealed with their new tax scam that they are trying to foist on the American people….I mean gutting everything that normal, working Americans need to make their lives livable just to give $1.4 trillion in tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires is just plain evil…and blowing up the deficit just to justify destroying Social Security and Medicare is just plain evil….and to do it without letting anyone even read the legislation that was written by 6,000 lobbyists is just plain evil. The contempt that the repubs have for the American people were distilled in two comments made by repub senators over the past few days…Orrin Hatch on the children’s health insurance program that he doesn’t think is necessary: “I have a hard time wanting to spend billions and billions of dollars to help people who won’t lift a finger to help themselves and expect the federal government to do everything”….yep, he actually said that low income children that benefit from the program aren’t lifting a finger to help themselves…I wonder if they should get jobs? Then we had Chuck Grassley today trying to justify repealing the estate tax by saying: “I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people who are investing, as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have whether it’s on booze or women, or movies” Yep he actually said that people that work are losers and those who inherit wealth are the ones that need to be taken care of by cutting their taxes….so, working people, why do you still vote for these idiots? Impeach….

This is damn funny…

Well…if you need any more proof of how hated the idiot trump and his cronies are, you just have to look at the turnout for the tree lighting ceremony held at the WH yesterday….during Obama’s administration, it was standing room only with people packed to the walls and the tickets were one of the hardest “gets” for the holiday season…for this idiot *president, there were maybe a hundred people there…and the photo of the few people and the thousand or more empty seats was just damn funny…I wonder when the idiot will tweet to say that there were more people there than for any other president?  Impeach….

Meuller has Trump…

Well….there is good news that has come out this afternoon…that Michael Flynn is going to testify (or has testified) that it was the idiot trump who ordered the contacts with Russia…and it appears that ole Mike Pence was in the loop, too…let that soak in for a minute…okay, try not to grin too much since we need to save some face muscles for the indictments to come…and the way the plead deal was written states that if Flynn stops cooperating, the rest of the charges will be filed…so he has lots of incentive to spill on everyone…including donny junior, kushner, and Ivanka…they’re gonna need an entire wing in a federal prison before this is over…impeach….