Category Archives: Politics

This is too damn funny….

Well…the idiot trump continues to rail against the media, telling the army at centcom today the delusion that they are covering up most of the terror attacks across the world for reasons only he knows…but, that is for another one….and he has gone on and on that the media doesn’t report the “huge” crowds that have turned out to support his immigration orders….the media did report on a trump support rally from Portland, Maine Sunday and it was “hugely huge”…it took all of BOTH hands to count the 8 people who showed up….I wonder how many that equates to in trumpworld? Eleventy billion? Trump you idiot, you should hope that the media doesn’t cover anything you say or do…it all makes you look batshit insane…repubs, where is the impeachment process? Get on it….

The resistance spreads to England….

Well….I smiled a big one a few minutes ago when I read an article that the speaker of England’s Parliament just cancelled trumps visit there saying that “racism and sexism is not welcome here”…the question I have for the idiot trump is: this is making America great again? How does offending everyone in the world help our keep our people safe? I applaud speaker Bercow for doing the right thing here and calling trump out for what he is…keep it up world and he will throw a hissy fit and maybe have a heart attack….

Do not donate to the Red Cross…

Well…look, we need to isolate and castigate any organization that does business with trump or any of his businesses…so that puts the Red Cross on that list with the fundraiser they did at Mar a Lago with trump yesterday….I mean, a ball with rich people and the staff dressed in pre French revolution costumes? And the fact that trump charged them for the space just makes it worse….making money from supposed charity is trump all the way but that the Red Cross bought into it shows their support for the serial sex offender, liar, and idiot…they cannot be rewarded for this!  So, I have a suggestion for you…any checks you write should go to the Salvation Army…now, as an atheist I am a little uncomfortable with the religious part of their program, but they do lots of good for this country and around the world and have been doing it for more than 175 years….

Elon, Elon, Elon….

Well…after the head of Uber resigned from the idiot trump’s business advisory committee, the public has started to put pressure on the rest of the collaborators to trump’s fascist regime to get them to resign. The response by Elon Musk has diminished him in my eyes immeasurably….he tried to justify his continued seat on the committee by saying that it is better to work from within…blah, blah, blah….and that trump will listen to him and the rest of the people on the committee…now I’m laughing out loud…have you ever met this idiot Elon? He is no more likely to listen to you than a fricking wall….remember, he has said constantly that he knows more than anyone about everything so why the hell do you think he would listen to you? All your continued collaboration with this racist, fascist regime is doing is giving it an air of normalcy and legitimacy, which it is neither….Elon, you are from South Africa and you saw the damage of businesses going along with the apartheid regime there…the damage done to anyone who was not white, and now you support a regime that wants to create the same type of second class citizens that apartheid created by it’s hatred against the LGBT community and immigrants? Shame on you Elon, you have played right into the propagandists tiny little hands by helping them in any way….

I grieve for the victims of Bowling Green….

Well….as a massacre that never happened, I shall always never remember the victims…the hundreds of victims that never were and my heart doesn’t break for them…I will always never remember where I was and what I was doing the minute the massacre didn’t happen….stay strong Bowling Green!

As you can tell, this is snark…if you want to know about Bowling Green, just google it…you’ll get a laugh out of it….

Typical DeVos bullshit…

Well….I wonder why I can still be surprised by anything that Betsy DeVos and her minions do…after all, I have lived in the state where she has done all her damage to education and see it every day…but, here’s a new one…after the widespread opposition to her nomination to Ed Sec…and the subsequent revelation that she knows absolutely nothing about education policy and plagiarized many sources in her answers to written questions submitted to the senate, her PACs and supporters have started to PAY people to call and write to senators voicing their support…yep, the solution to every problem for Betsy and her ilk is to get out the checkbook and buy whatever position you want…and if you can’t do it by directly bribing someone, then you buy people to create fake support for you when the entire country doesn’t want you anywhere near our kid’s education…..I have seen a lot in my days of following politics but this is a new low…even for the DeVos/Prince clan…oh, remember her brother Eric, the war criminal and founder of Blackwater? That should be disqualifying enough…

What more does Trump have to do to be impeached?

Well….it is pretty clear by now that trump has no idea how democracy works and he showed it again today with a tweet attacking the judge in Washington that ruled against his bigoted, illegal order on immigration. Here’s what the idiot said: “The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!”  First, never in our history (other than Nixon) has a “president” attacked a judge when a ruling went against him…trump seems to think that whatever he does is perfectly legal since the other idiots around him kiss his ass and tell him it is…that’s not how the three independent branches of government work you moron….and the judge responded that he doesn’t care who is “president”, he only cares about the law and it’s correct interpretation. What more does trump have to do, repubs, to be impeached by you? Read the damn 25th amendment and get to work….

Trump is the worst person in the world…

Well….I just can’t believe the media letting trump and his gang of fascists get away with trumping up (yeah, I meant to do that) “reasons” for the ban on muslim refugees with trump gleefully tweeting about a knife attack at the Louvre in Paris the other day and his assistant liar Kellyanne Conway making up an attack in Bowling Green, Kentucky that never happened….but the thing that is so sickening is that trump never even acknowledged that one of his followers, a white guy, surprise, surprise, attacked a mosque in Quebec and killed 6 people…and that was caused by trumps hate speech that he spews every day. One thing that trump doesn’t want anyone to realize is that you are 5 times more likely to be killed by a white, right wing asshole in the US than by a muslim…and that he just stopped the federal investigations into right wing terror to reward his white supremacist base. The only thing I know is that every day, trump is competing for the worst person in the world and has won every day he has been in office….and I hope those days are numbered….

No so fast Uber….

Well….the ceo of Uber today announced he was leaving the position of advisor to the trump administration, saying that he didn’t want his helping trump to be seen as endorsing trump or his agenda…and now you can start laughing….he was perfectly fine with trump until the illegal immigration order that hurt Uber’s business when they tried to take advantage of a taxi strike in New York….what a disingenuous load of crap….the ceo, Travis Kalanick, is backpedaling so fast his shoes are smoking and it is only that he is losing money from the #deleteuber movement…not that he doesn’t agree with Trump and probably voted for him….as the rest of the assholes who have anything to do with this racist, white supremacy driven administration….you just can’t take things back when you were perfectly fine with trump and never said a word before the election…so, still delete your Uber app and use Lyft instead….

The weakest president ever?

Well…as more and more world leader interact with the idiot trump, they are getting the picture of the weakest, most erratic president the US and the world has ever seen….he is revealing that he is all bullshit and bluster and so damn stupid and ignorant that he is already being taken advantage of…just take a look at what Russia did within hours after trump got off the phone with Putin. After lifting sanctions from the Russian secret service, the FSB; what used to be the KGB, and giving Putin a gift, Russia sent troops into the Ukraine…something that trump said would never happen “on his watch” and what the stupid people that voted for him thought they were going to get….how tough is it to let your adversary get and do anything they want? The kicker in this whole Russian relationship with trump is that the recording of the phone call with Putin magically disappeared so no one really knows what trump promised Putin or whether the phone call was to thank Putin for electing him…or maybe it was to set the terms of the bribe that Russia paid to make sure there would be no action when they did invade the Ukraine? The swamp keeps filling and trump is the slime on top….