Well…we here in Michigan have a unique perspective on the DeVos family and in Betsy in particular…she is one of the people who tried to destroy the public school system here with bankrolling the fight for charter schools that siphon public dollars off to give to private schools for profit and have left our public schools scrambling for the money they need to educate our children. And the dirty little secret behind all of this theft of public money is to allow these charter schools to be defacto religious schools that are supported by tax dollars which should violate the constitution of both the US and Michigan…but, her money and the money of other right wing assholes have bought enough judges here that they have been able to get rulings that allow them to keep indoctrinating children into their right wing christian cult that gave us the idiot trump. Even now, as she is on the way out with idiot boy, she is trying to cement the awful changes she has made to the education department by exhorting the people there to “resist” the Biden administration and continue her right wing destruction of that department. One thing that she and all of the other rich assholes that trump has installed don’t get is that the career professionals hate them and the destruction they have done…and I’ll bet that this resistance will never materialize…they will just breathe a sigh of relief when a professional educator who really does have the best interests of the nation’s students at heart takes over….and the wicked witch goes back to her 20 million dollar, Cayman Islands registered yacht that she doesn’t pay any taxes on…good riddance…
Tag Archives: Betsy DeVos
Hey, only .02 percent of the kids will die…
Well…the ghoul betsy devos is at it again…trying to kill our children with her rank stupidity and ignorance. Just the other day in her push to open the schools as soon as possible, she was all over the news shows roboticly puking out talking points that basically said that the schools needed to open and she didn’t need to explain, they just do. She also dismissed the danger that going back to school would have for the children attending by saying that only .02 percent of them would die…making it sound like the risk was too small to measure…but if you do the math (which I’m sure she doesn’t know how to do) .02 times the number of kids going back would be almost 15,000 kids dead…which devos feels is perfectly acceptable if it gets trump re-elected. There’s your death panel for you….no plans to protect the kids, no money to help the schools keep the kids safe but just reopening and death and if little Jimmy dies it was for a good cause…how much more ghoulish can you get? Cripes , probably much much worse with these morons…
Now trump wants to murder our children…
Well….cripes do they have a mega sized backhoe at the WH? It seems that way after they keep going lower and lower in their depravity and absolute disregard for human life…we’ve seen that with the idiot’s inaction and incompetence that has cost thousands of lives so far…but that wasn’t enough for the ghouls idiot boy has surrounded himself with. Their latest attack on Americans is aimed directly at the most vulnerable of us, our children, with trump and betsy devos saying they will withhold federal funds to any state that doesn’t “open” their schools at the normal time this fall…how much more evidence does anyone need that trump and his cronies WANT to kill our children…it doesn’t matter to them that in many states (red ones) there is an uncontrolled outbreak of coronavirus and there is no damn way that schools can be opened safely until the virus is under control…but they don’t care, they think that opening schools will give them the talking point that “hey look, we’re back to normal” and help trump get re-elected…and that is what this is all about, not that it would be good for kids to get back to their friends at school or any other excuse they are trotting out…it is all about their delusions that trump knows more than the medical experts…you know where that belief got us…140,000 dead and the spikes in deaths that are to come in the red states where there are 50,000 more cases every damn day because the governors of those states drank the trump kool aid and were too damn dumb to understand how this virus works….who is going to draw the line at murdering children? Not the repubs, that’s for damn sure…someone has to stop this madness or the kids won’t be alright….
The worst people ever…
Well…getting ready to watch the first Man U match but thought I’d come here and do a shorty first….I can’t believe how unpatriotic every damn person in the repub party is…and the latest is just more of those revelations that show the true, terrible people they are. Just a few days back, it was reported that Betsy DeVos has her 40 million dollar yacht registered in a foreign country to avoid paying the entry fees and other taxes that would accrue if it was registered in the US. This shenanigan allows them to not pay any payroll taxes for the crew, either…and that is just like the rich assholes that infest this country right now…they never pay their share like the rest of us do…they are the real “takers” in this country….the worst people ever….
I’m struggling today…
Well…it’s another one of those days where I am struggling to come up with a topic for this one and I’m not sure why…there is lots of stuff going on but I’m just not feeling the outrage that I normally use to fuel these…I wonder if it’s trump fatigue? When there is a new scandal almost every day, it does make you weary reading about all that all the time…and, I’ve been in a pretty good mood today and that doesn’t help. Okay, maybe I should talk about the debacle of an interview that Betsy DeVos has on “60 Minutes” last night….if there has ever been a less qualified person for ed secretary, I don’t know who that would be. And, here’s the thing, it doesn’t matter to the repubs that she dumber than a box of rocks…and her dismal performance at her confirmation hearings was repeated in the interview last night…when she was asked if she has ever visited any underperforming schools to see what the problems are there she just looked blankly at Leslie Stahl and said “oh, maybe I should”…and in the rest of the interview she showed that she is uniquely unqualified for the job….I think people should remember that she and her other rich allies did their best to kill off public schools here in Michigan so they could line their pockets with tax money that went to the charter schools here…and this is the model she wants across the country nevermind that the founders of this country (some pretty sharp people) knew that public education was vital to a working democracy. I think ole Betsy is the best example of why we need a 90% inheritance tax in this country….just because she has inherited money doesn’t make her an expert on anything…a fact that is reinforced every time she opens her mouth….hey, I guess I did have a topic…
Betsy DeVos truly is an idiot….
Well…as you know, repubs will say or do anything to push their agendas and Betsy DeVos laid down a whopper yesterday in a press release that sounds like a 7th grader wrote it, in trying to justify the privatization of public schools and school choice that has been her calling card here in Michigan and that has destroyed our schools here. What this idiot did yesterday was jaw dropping in its ignorance and stupidity…praising the necessity of historically black colleges and universities as on the vanguard of “school choice” that gave blacks “options” that legal segregation and Jim Crow laws created…now, how many ways is this twisted, convoluted justification of school choice just plain wrong? First, there is no “school choice” in play here…minorities ONLY option in this segregated country at the time was to go to a HBCU school…any minority that tried to enroll in any “white” college or university was met with lynch mobs and gunfire as was James Meredith when he tried to enroll in the University of Mississippi in 1962 and 20,000 soldiers of the National Guard had to be called out to protect him and put down the riots by whites who would have killed him if they could….some choice, huh? All of this is just a new piece of evidence of the ignorance of history of ole Betsy and that she will use any lie to push her for profit school schemes that will reward her rich buddies and hurt every child here in the US…after all, she has lived in her rich girl bubble her entire life and has no idea what normal people have to do to get by….and she sure doesn’t give a damn about anyone but her rich, white cronies…and that press release shows it…
Typical DeVos bullshit…
Well….I wonder why I can still be surprised by anything that Betsy DeVos and her minions do…after all, I have lived in the state where she has done all her damage to education and see it every day…but, here’s a new one…after the widespread opposition to her nomination to Ed Sec…and the subsequent revelation that she knows absolutely nothing about education policy and plagiarized many sources in her answers to written questions submitted to the senate, her PACs and supporters have started to PAY people to call and write to senators voicing their support…yep, the solution to every problem for Betsy and her ilk is to get out the checkbook and buy whatever position you want…and if you can’t do it by directly bribing someone, then you buy people to create fake support for you when the entire country doesn’t want you anywhere near our kid’s education…..I have seen a lot in my days of following politics but this is a new low…even for the DeVos/Prince clan…oh, remember her brother Eric, the war criminal and founder of Blackwater? That should be disqualifying enough…
Another reason to kick DeVos to the curb…
Well….if another reason was needed to reject Betsy DeVos for Ed Sec, over and above her ignorant performance in her hearings and her avowed hatred of public education, that reason came yesterday in her written responses to questions put to her by the senate….and guess what? The answers were rife with plagiarized passages and one senator went so far to say that the entire thing looked like it was just cut and pasted and had no original thought in it at all…and she used the tired old repub tricks of delaying the submission until the day before the confirmation vote so the senators don’t have time to go through it thoroughly. With all of the baggage this idiot brings, worst of all her ignorance of public education policy, there is no way that any senator from either side of the aisle should vote for her….but the repubs don’t care about the kids of this country…only power….so they’ll fall in line and vote for her money….which appears to be her only qualification…..
Betsy DeVos really is an idiot…
Well…if you have seen or read about the confirmation hearing for Ed sec, you can see that the repub party has sunk to new lows of pay for play….where a totally unqualified person buys her way to a cabinet post. EdSec is a position that is supposed to think about and guarantee a good education to all of the children in this country..but, to hear ole Betsy, that stops if you are not a christian, or if you have disabilities, of if you go to a public school….in fact she has said that no one deserves a public education and has spent her time and untold millions of dollars screwing up the public schools here in Michigan…supporting taking public money and giving it to for profit schools run by repub cronies so to bleed the public schools dry and kill them off. This is all part of the coordinated repub plan to use public money to support religious schools (if they are christian of course) and damn the constitution that provides for the separation of church and state. She has shown that she knows nothing about education and has no training or experience in public education policy…but, that doesn’t matter since her family gave 200 million to the repubs over the years and that makes her qualified in her mind…but that is the only place she is quaified…geez….
An education secretary who hates public education…
Well…living here in Michigan, we’ve all gotten to know trump’s pick for education secretary, Betsy DeVos, as opposed to anything that has to do with public education, and her family bankrolling the effort to expand and deregulate the charter schools here. So, of course she’s the perfect person to run the education department in repubs eyes since they just hate teachers, teachers unions, and public education in general since you can’t make a profit for their oligarch buddies from it….never mind that she has no education or experience with the issues that the ed sec has to deal with…she does have that large checkbook that now seems to be the only qualification for anything for the repubs…after all, they elected the ignoramus in chief…the most ignorant person ever elected to any office in the US ever….geez….