Well…if you have seen or read about the confirmation hearing for Ed sec, you can see that the repub party has sunk to new lows of pay for play….where a totally unqualified person buys her way to a cabinet post. EdSec is a position that is supposed to think about and guarantee a good education to all of the children in this country..but, to hear ole Betsy, that stops if you are not a christian, or if you have disabilities, of if you go to a public school….in fact she has said that no one deserves a public education and has spent her time and untold millions of dollars screwing up the public schools here in Michigan…supporting taking public money and giving it to for profit schools run by repub cronies so to bleed the public schools dry and kill them off. This is all part of the coordinated repub plan to use public money to support religious schools (if they are christian of course) and damn the constitution that provides for the separation of church and state. She has shown that she knows nothing about education and has no training or experience in public education policy…but, that doesn’t matter since her family gave 200 million to the repubs over the years and that makes her qualified in her mind…but that is the only place she is quaified…geez….