WelI…I am never going to understand how the repub governors of Florida and Texas can live with themselves as they do their best to kill the children of their states. Both Abbott and DeSantis are making sure people are going to die by downplaying the effectiveness of vaccines and by outright banning the mask mandates that schools could use to try to protect these kids…DeSantis going so far as to withhold money from districts that mask up and even farther by cutting the pay of superintendents and principals that try to protect their children. The results of these ghouls actions are already being seen with every damn pediatric ICU bed already filled in both states and kids having to be flown to other states to try to keep them alive….and DeSantis has overseen an explosion of new cases in Florida of over 150K new cases in the past week…and he doesn’t care about anything but looking like a mini trump. Look, we don’t know what the long term effects of covid are on kids but it could cause long term health problems just like the adult “long haulers” who will never recover from the effects of being infected. But that doesn’t matter to these ghouls…they just don’t care about anything but looking good to their cult…and kids will die for it…geez…
Tag Archives: ghouls
Now trump wants to murder our children…
Well….cripes do they have a mega sized backhoe at the WH? It seems that way after they keep going lower and lower in their depravity and absolute disregard for human life…we’ve seen that with the idiot’s inaction and incompetence that has cost thousands of lives so far…but that wasn’t enough for the ghouls idiot boy has surrounded himself with. Their latest attack on Americans is aimed directly at the most vulnerable of us, our children, with trump and betsy devos saying they will withhold federal funds to any state that doesn’t “open” their schools at the normal time this fall…how much more evidence does anyone need that trump and his cronies WANT to kill our children…it doesn’t matter to them that in many states (red ones) there is an uncontrolled outbreak of coronavirus and there is no damn way that schools can be opened safely until the virus is under control…but they don’t care, they think that opening schools will give them the talking point that “hey look, we’re back to normal” and help trump get re-elected…and that is what this is all about, not that it would be good for kids to get back to their friends at school or any other excuse they are trotting out…it is all about their delusions that trump knows more than the medical experts…you know where that belief got us…140,000 dead and the spikes in deaths that are to come in the red states where there are 50,000 more cases every damn day because the governors of those states drank the trump kool aid and were too damn dumb to understand how this virus works….who is going to draw the line at murdering children? Not the repubs, that’s for damn sure…someone has to stop this madness or the kids won’t be alright….