WelI…I am never going to understand how the repub governors of Florida and Texas can live with themselves as they do their best to kill the children of their states. Both Abbott and DeSantis are making sure people are going to die by downplaying the effectiveness of vaccines and by outright banning the mask mandates that schools could use to try to protect these kids…DeSantis going so far as to withhold money from districts that mask up and even farther by cutting the pay of superintendents and principals that try to protect their children. The results of these ghouls actions are already being seen with every damn pediatric ICU bed already filled in both states and kids having to be flown to other states to try to keep them alive….and DeSantis has overseen an explosion of new cases in Florida of over 150K new cases in the past week…and he doesn’t care about anything but looking like a mini trump. Look, we don’t know what the long term effects of covid are on kids but it could cause long term health problems just like the adult “long haulers” who will never recover from the effects of being infected. But that doesn’t matter to these ghouls…they just don’t care about anything but looking good to their cult…and kids will die for it…geez…