Well….it is pretty clear by now that trump has no idea how democracy works and he showed it again today with a tweet attacking the judge in Washington that ruled against his bigoted, illegal order on immigration. Here’s what the idiot said: “The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!” First, never in our history (other than Nixon) has a “president” attacked a judge when a ruling went against him…trump seems to think that whatever he does is perfectly legal since the other idiots around him kiss his ass and tell him it is…that’s not how the three independent branches of government work you moron….and the judge responded that he doesn’t care who is “president”, he only cares about the law and it’s correct interpretation. What more does trump have to do, repubs, to be impeached by you? Read the damn 25th amendment and get to work….