Category Archives: Politics

I’ve had enough of this crap…

50 people dead. I can’t believe I’m writing this…50 people dead. Just because they were gay. And, the “good guy with a gun” turns into a bad guy with a gun and ruins the lives of 50 families just because he was “upset” when he saw two guys kissing. I’m going to lay this at the feet of the people on the right who have been demonizing the LGBT community out of some stupid religious nonsense….and it continued after the murders with the Lt. Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick tweeting this: “Do not be deceived…god cannot be mocked…a man reaps what he sows..”

Yeah…this idiot blamed the victims for being murdered because they were born gay….and just trying to live their lives and enjoy themselves a little….but, we can’t have that…the right believes that the LGBT community deserves to be murdered because of some book written by ignorant goatherders 2K years ago….I’ve had enough of this crap…we need to do something….anything….this is on you repubs….

Congrats HRC…

Well…it was a day to remember yesterday with Hillary winning enough delegates to clinch the dem nomination for president….I was a Bernie supporter but I can live with Hillary…she is tough, smart, and knows what she is doing and has shown that with her time as SoS….and the 20 odd years she has endured the constant scandal mongering of the repubs…including the 50 million dollar boondoggle that was Whitewater where the repubs did their best but couldn’t find a thing that she had done wrong. I think it’s a great thing for our side that we are still trying to protect the progressive values that have been the hallmark of improvement in this country…while the repubs continue to regress to the 1800′s with their racism, homophobia, and the longing to return to the gilded age where 5 families controlled most of the wealth in this country. So, congrats Hillary…nice job….

Now it’s bribery…

Well…if being a racist wasn’t enough, now it is becoming clear that ole Trump is a briber, too….and he freely admits it. What will it take for someone to do something about this? As a little background, as AG’s around the country investigated the fraudulent Trump University, and it started to look bad for Trump with at least 5 investigations in different states getting to the point of proffering charges, two of the AG’s…in Florida and Texas decided that there wasn’t enough evidence to bring a suit….even though two other AG’s disagreed….now we know why they dropped the investigations….ole Trump gave campaign contributions to the AG’s of both Texas and Florida and then magically the cases were dropped. Yep…I guess now you can buy your way out of legal trouble with 25K in Florida and 50K in Texas…just as long as you have repub AG’s…I guess money talks and justice walks. Trump has even said that when he makes political contributions, he expects to get something for them in the future. And the AG that took the bribe in Texas is now the governor there…funny how that works out. One thing they didn’t count on in Texas is that one of the people that was in the office during the investigation just released 14 pages of material that shows that the case there was really strong and now the governor…Abbott is retaliating against the individual that made the scam public….just another day in the repub run justice system…grease my palms and you can do anything you want…geez…

It gets worse…

Well…I am just shaking my head after the latest outburst from the idiot Trump…it is really entertaining but really calls into question his sanity…as you know, Trump is being sued by people who were scammed by his “Trump University” and the Donald has been going off on the judge in the case with racist comments on his Mexican heritage saying that since Trump wants to build a wall along the Mexican border, the judge is biased against him…and today Trump went off on his staff for asking his surrogates to stop talking about the case….of course the Donald overruled his staff, but the way he did it “…you guys are getting stupid information from people who aren’t so smart…”  so, on a conference call with people that he hired to work for him, the Donald called them stupid….the people who are supposed be “the best people” are now stupid? Nope, I don’t buy it…it really does show that these people were stupid from the start to work for this idiot….man, if it wasn’t so sick, this would be fun…so, I can’t promise to not write about Trump anymore…it is just making this way too easy….

This is going to be interesting…

Well…have been thinking a little about this year in politics and the only thing I can say is it is going to be interesting….I have been a little burned out on the whole thing for a while but with all of the firsts that are happening, I just have to pay attention. First, you have the candidate from the repub side that has pulled back the curtain to expose the seething hate that is the hallmark of that party….and does not apologize for his racism but revels in it….I have never seen this kind of candidate in my lifetime…and I don’t know if anyone has. Then we have the distinct possibility of electing our first female president and that makes me smile some…that, and the dems finally finding their voice against the lies of the right is going to make this interesting, too….I really can’t wait until they turn Obama and Biden loose…if the speech that Obama did the other day is any indication, it looks like we are in for a treat this summer and fall….can’t wait….


Well…I have been really quite irritated with those of us on the left that have let the right set the terms of discussion over the past decade or so but that appears to be changing…and not a damn day too soon. I know that Bernie has been a lone voice in the woods for years now, railing against the lies and rigging of the country by the repubs, and his voice is now being joined by others that are changing the narrative by calling the right out on it’s lies. Starting with Elizabeth Warren and her truth telling on Wall Street and it’s manipulation of the economy which has been going on for a year now…we now have President Obama pushing back on the NRA’s program of lies that he and Hillary are going to take away everyone’s guns…reacting to a gun store owner repeating those talking points at a town hall just last week. The pushback really took on a new life with Hillary’s dismantling of Trump last week in a great speech on foreign policy….and it appears that we on the left are finding our voice again…that we are no longer scared of the lies of the right and are countering them with the truth…and shouting that truth everywhere possible….it’s about damn time….

This is gonna be fun….

Well….I haven’t been following the election that closely up to this point but things changed a little yesterday….Hillary is now embracing the fact that she will be the nominee against ole Trump and cut loose with a great speech that showed that the Donald is not qualified by knowledge or temperament to be president….and the fun thing is she worked his own words in to make the points. The reaction from the thin skinned orange man was quite predictable…he went on a twitter rampage where he just basically lied his ass off and said he never said any of those things…and Donald has the same problem that all the rest of the lying repubs have…they forget about video and that all of the crap they say is recorded….so even Morning Joe ran tape on it…and Donald went nuts saying they it a crappy show with low ratings when just last week he said exactly the opposite. I think this is just gonna be fun to watch Donald’s meltdown as Hillary keeps pummeling him on his lies and stupidity…get the popcorn….

Last one for the month…

Well…I seem to be Trumped out for the moment so I don’t think I’ll do another one about him right now…okay, just one thing…it was reported today that the Trump campaign is running out of money and won’t be able to run any ads until late July…all I have to say about that is yay…that means that he is not even running a campaign really….and the money that he is going to need is expected to come from the state repub orgs which will leave the down ballot races with less money so ole Trump could suck the entire party into a black hole…yeah, I know, their ideas ARE a black hole and they deserve to disappear across the event horizon….okay…..what next? More Trump? Oh…Mitch McConnell said over the weekend that Trump “won’t change the republican party”…and I laughed about that…since Trump IS the republican party and his hatred and ignorance have been a proud characteristic of the repubs for more than 40 years…I mean evolution is wrong? That the US was formed as a christian nation? All nonsense that the repubs believe and they either don’t believe science or understand it….and living your life to a 2,000 year old book written by ignorant goatherders? Maybe ole Trump can do so much damage that the party will have to change to get past it…we can hope anyway….

What could 8 trillion buy?

Well….have been stewing a little today with the waste of our military people for trumped up wars that the old, fat, stupid Bush administration got us into…I am just so tired of the need for more burials, more memorials, and more waste of the young people of the US just to feed the egos of the war makers…I think the Black Sabbath song “War Pigs” is the perfect description for these asses…but, then there is the monetary cost of this folly that the country will be paying for long after my kids are gone…for 8 trillion dollars you could fix every road, every bridge, every water system, every school, every environmental disaster that needs to be fixed in this country….you could pay for a full college education for the next two generations of kids and have them graduate debt free… could give everyone on SS a 50% raise and pay for healthcare for the entire country….this is what those idiots in the Bush administration did…they wasted the future of this country just so Dick Cheney could play tough guy…so  he could play out his fantasy of being the smartest guy in the room…and for that the country rots from the inside….

Memorial Day…

Well….as I said earlier, this is going to be a post that will ruffle some feathers given the military fetish this country has….watching the races yesterday and it being Memorial Day today, I was struck by the fake regard that was woven through the broadcasts….with Nascar going so far as to put the names of soldiers who were killed in action on the windshields of all of the cars in the race. Now, I think it’s fine to honor people who died in service to this country but, really, isn’t there a better thing we could do? Like maybe not get them killed in the first place? That is the only thought that pops into my head when I hear of people that were killed in the fake, trumped up war in Iraq…a war that didn’t need to happen and that destabilized the entire region and has cost the US almost 8 trillion dollars…I think it’s time to rethink the ever growing military and the budget for it…it’s time to bring the troops home and let the rest of the world take care of itself…no more death for our soldiers…..