Well….I haven’t been following the election that closely up to this point but things changed a little yesterday….Hillary is now embracing the fact that she will be the nominee against ole Trump and cut loose with a great speech that showed that the Donald is not qualified by knowledge or temperament to be president….and the fun thing is she worked his own words in to make the points. The reaction from the thin skinned orange man was quite predictable…he went on a twitter rampage where he just basically lied his ass off and said he never said any of those things…and Donald has the same problem that all the rest of the lying repubs have…they forget about video and that all of the crap they say is recorded….so even Morning Joe ran tape on it…and Donald went nuts saying they it a crappy show with low ratings when just last week he said exactly the opposite. I think this is just gonna be fun to watch Donald’s meltdown as Hillary keeps pummeling him on his lies and stupidity…get the popcorn….