Now it’s bribery…

Well…if being a racist wasn’t enough, now it is becoming clear that ole Trump is a briber, too….and he freely admits it. What will it take for someone to do something about this? As a little background, as AG’s around the country investigated the fraudulent Trump University, and it started to look bad for Trump with at least 5 investigations in different states getting to the point of proffering charges, two of the AG’s…in Florida and Texas decided that there wasn’t enough evidence to bring a suit….even though two other AG’s disagreed….now we know why they dropped the investigations….ole Trump gave campaign contributions to the AG’s of both Texas and Florida and then magically the cases were dropped. Yep…I guess now you can buy your way out of legal trouble with 25K in Florida and 50K in Texas…just as long as you have repub AG’s…I guess money talks and justice walks. Trump has even said that when he makes political contributions, he expects to get something for them in the future. And the AG that took the bribe in Texas is now the governor there…funny how that works out. One thing they didn’t count on in Texas is that one of the people that was in the office during the investigation just released 14 pages of material that shows that the case there was really strong and now the governor…Abbott is retaliating against the individual that made the scam public….just another day in the repub run justice system…grease my palms and you can do anything you want…geez…

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