Tag Archives: Donald Trump

They are all delusional…

Well…I wonder what the hell happened to all of the deplorables who think that the idiot trump is trustworthy after telling 25,000 lies (or more) over the past few years….how sad it is that fellow Americans  don’t believe scientists, experts, historians, economists, and journalists but they believe a reality tv star who has spent his whole life defrauding everyone he has come into contact with…and they think he is a beacon of truth and honesty….what the hell happened to them?  As the idiot boy continues to violate state election laws by pressuring governors to throw out the results of the vote and interfere with the counts and certification, he has lost and nothing he does is going to change that…and his followers are just too stupid to stop giving him money…I think he’s raised over 200 million dollars to “challenge” the election that everyone but his deplorables know is going to end up in his pocket….I just can’t comprehend why anyone would want to live in the fake world trump has built that has hate as it’s oxygen….at least on our side we take time to help people and smile sometimes….and trump still lost the election….

Joe needs to make this statement…

Well…as the idiot boy continues to push to get as many of his cronies installed in the government before he is gone in 6 weeks, Joe needs to come out and make this statement: “Anyone who is considering taking any position offered by trump before his term ends will be fired at 12:01pm on the 20th of January 2021″. I really don’t know why the idiot in chief continues to try to do this….even if Joe doesn’t say it, it is going to happen but the statement would certainly stop the waste of time and money that trump really doesn’t give a damn about….I’ll bet the reason the idiot is still doing this is that it is easy and it makes it look like he is doing something…and that has been his whole life…just looking like he is doing something or taking credit for other people’s work while his lazy ass watches fox news and tweets all day….just frickin go away already….you’ve lost asshole…geez…


Well…there is not enough money in the world to get me to visit the fever swamps of the right’s “evangelical” movement, but there are a few people over at Kos that perform that service for us…and those folks should get combat pay. Over the past few days there have been posts about the preachers over there that have declared themselves “prophets” before the election…or maybe even before that and to a man, they screamed and screamed that god told them that trump would win the election and there was no doubt that it would happen…and the louder they screamed, the more popular they became and more people believed them….then the election came and idiot boy lost…but did that deter these “prophets”? Nope….they just shifted to “god told me that this is all part of his plan” and just wait until christmas when it will all be revealed and trump will be “anointed” president by god…so keep those checks coming so we can support whatever trump needs…yep, that’s the new grift…that god didn’t want trump to win yet, but he will at christmas. Look, I am going to tell you where this whole prophecy bullshit is going to go…after nothing happens at christmas, they will all say that god told them that he allowed Biden to be elected to reveal that all the dems are baby eating communists and after 4 years he is going to make trump president again…oh, and by the way, keep those checks coming so we can be ready to support trump any way we can….is everyone on the right just a damn grifter whose only job is taking money from the rubes? What the hell happened to these folks to make them such terrible people? Or, were they always terrible and now they are just being exposed? Whatever it is, I can’t wait until they are all gone back to whatever fever swamps they crawled out of….

More on the grift…

Well….as we all know, the entire 4 years of the trump “administration” has just been one big grift to line the pockets of trump and his cronies…and that is the reason that he continues to shout “voter fraud” even with his toady Barr coming out yesterday to say that the justice department has not seen any fraud that would change the outcome of the election….he needs the cash that he continues to beg for and that his deplorables continue to send him to the tune of 175 million dollars and counting. This money, that is supposed to be used to litigate the “voter fraud”, is going straight to a trump controlled super pac that you know he is going to use to finance his lifestyle and will probably use to pay off the 400 million dollars in personally guaranteed loans that are coming due in the next two years. The latest money making scheme that the criminal trump has come up with is to sell presidential pardons for contributions to this same super pac…the Washington Post reported that there is an FBI investigation going on right now and some court papers were released that show the depth of the investigation…it is heavily redacted so you don’t see who the parties involved are, but I’m sure this is just the first in another criminal conspiracy that idiot boy is at the center of…and trump is the only one who could issue a presidential pardon and we all know he spends his days trying to monetize the presidency and still believes he is above the law…but only for now…the AG of NY is just sitting there waiting with indictments that will be filed on the 20th of January at 12:01 pm….it is going to be a glorious perp walk when the entire trump crime family ends up in jail….

The pardons have started…

Well…as everyone in the entire country knew, trump would pardon everyone in his orbit since it is filled with petty and serious criminals and that started yesterday with Michael Flynn who admitted lying to the FBI twice about his contacts with the Russians that he did to undermine Obama’s foreign policy. And this pardon is like nothing anyone has seen before since it covers every crime he committed or may have committed for his entire life and anything that he could commit in the future. Yep, the ultimate “get out of jail free” card and it is just the first of many we are going to see in the next 50 days and idiot boy is already discussing blanket pardons for himself and his entire family with his lawyers but, as I keep saying, these pardons don’t do anything for the state charges they are all going to face in NY and many other states who are in the qeue with their own charges after NY charges them. One other thing that pardons do that these morons are too stupid to understand is make them guilty of the charges they are being pardoned for and then cancels their 5th amendment rights so when they are called to testify in any other trial or investigation, they have to do it and can’t hide behind self incrimination as an excuse….so, when trump pardons himself, he will be an impeached and convicted ex-president as will the rest of his criminal family…and there is even some conjecture that a pardon with corrupt intent is not even a valid pardon but that will be sorted out in the courts over the next years….I wonder why it is that only repub administrations have to even think about pardons? Yeah, that’s easy…they think the law doesn’t apply to them while they are running the place and commit crime after crime….the law and order party my ass…geez….

This is funny…

Well…just sitting here checking out the care package the Priority Health sent me and remembered I hadn’t come back here today and I did have something to talk about that I think is pretty damn funny. I really do think that idiot boy trump truly believes that there has been voter fraud going on…he believes it so much that he spent 3 million bucks of his stupid followers money for a partial recount in the “urban” counties of Wisconsin…can you guess how that came out? Yeah, the funny part is that trump spent 3 million bucks to find 87 net votes for Joe….and this is idiot boy’s entire life…spend other people’s money that he doesn’t give a damn about losing since it is his superpower…losing money that is….he is so damn good at it that he even lost money running casinos…and he is the only person in history to do that…..I wonder what the next fundraising e-mail is going to be? “If we just spend a little more money, we can win”…..and he’ll hit the rubes up for more cash as he is ushered out the door….a day I just can’t wait for….geez…

Now I guess he can shoot people legally…

Well…I think I may have eaten some bad chicken for lunch since my stomach went to hell immediately after lunch and I feel really lousy right now…but that’s not what I want to talk about…if you thought that the idiot trump couldn’t be worse of a person, you’d be wrong…just the other day it leaked out that Barr and the rest of trump’s cronies in the justice department want to fast track at least 5 executions of federal prisoners in his lame duck administration…and, just to make sure it’s the most painful and inhumane death, idiot boy is pushing for a return to firing squads for these executions…why, I don’t know but I’m sure he wants to let some of his deplorable sherrifs shoot people legally…not that they can’t do that now, it happens damn near every day that they shoot unarmed people of color….and you can bet that he will have a long line of his 2A people who will be clamoring to be part of it…and there will be no blank bullets so the people firing won’t know if they really killed the person like it has always been done…anyone that even considers taking part in this barbarism wants to know they killed someone…they get their jollies from it and wouldn’t take part if there were any possibility that their bullet didn’t help kill someone….so this is how far they’ve sunk…it’s not enough to murder someone by lethal injection…something that hasn’t happened on the federal level in over 20 years…but this lame duck asshole needs to inflict as much pain as he can…see, he gets his jollies out of it, too….what a piece of shit…

The transition begins….

Well…I guess a little pressure from congress was all that the GSA administrator needed to “ascertain” that Joe Biden won the election and that the transition to his administration can begin. In a letter sent this afternoon after a testy exchange with the chairs of a few house committees, GSA administrator Emily Murphy has sent the letter that will start the transition away from the idiot boy and to a real president…I wonder if the chair’s demands that she explain herself had anything to do with it? The entire holdup was that she is looking for another job and didn’t want to get trump mad and have him fire her since it would look bad on her resume…yep, the transition was held up and people died just so this moron could pad her resume a little bit and find a job in the right wing welfare web that is the only place trumpists will ever be able to work again….I wonder how idiot boy will react to people that he hired saying he lost? Man, this is going to be delicious…and twitter will be on fire later tonight and probably overnight…or, he is just going to go into the biggest case of cognitive dissonance and just lock his tiny little brain right up…LOSER!

Can trump get any more pathetic?

Well….as the idiot trump keeps trying to deny reality by screaming “I won the election” on twitter, his efforts to sabotage our democracy are getting more and more pathetic. First, he’s now 0-25 in lawsuits trying to get Biden ballots thrown out or ignored, and now he’s calling board of canvasser members at the local level here in Michigan to convince them to not certify the results of the election. You remember my post from yesterday where I described the racist repub canvassers board members who decided on their own that all of the votes from Detroit couldn’t be certified but then agreed to certify them since there was no reason not to? Well…after a call from idiot boy these two toadies wanted to do a taksie backsie and rescind their certification this morning…but our SOS Jocelyn Benson was having none of it saying that the votes have already been turned in to her so that ends the process…and no amount of trump whining is going to change that…and she went so far to say that if any other repubs want to try that crap in Michigan, she will use the state board of canvassers if they local ones want to make up their own laws to try to give the election to trump. How much more pathetic can idiot boy get? I guess we’ll see over the next 60 days…

Trump and his criminals need to be held accountable…

Well….let’s not repeat the same mistakes as Obama did with the torturers and criminals of the Bush administration, letting them off for their crimes under the guise of “healing” the country and “moving forward”…now the same noises are being made by the Biden administration that he doesn’t want his legislative agenda to be side tracked by constant investigations of trump and his criminals…this is exactly the wrong thing to say and do after the damage they did to this country…one of the reasons that trump and his cronies did what they did was they were pretty sure that this would be the response of any dem president…that they would be able to get away with openly breaking the law and no one would do anything about it….this needs to end as soon as Biden is sworn in…how do you restore the rule of law if you ignore people breaking the law? This just reinforces the repubs feeling that they are above the law…that they can lock children up in cages, do many instances of insider trading, and every other crime and nothing happens to them…this has got to stop…do you ever think a repub administration would ever hold repubs accountable? No more…no more forgiveness…we need to save this country and the only way is to hold these assholes accountable…every damn one of them…