Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Ivanka is involved in the fraud…

Well…yep, the normal repubs are out today with excuses for the idiot trump not paying and taxes for 15 years and they all are basically “rich people don’t pay taxes” and “he’s pretty smart if he can figure out how to not pay taxes”…but with the release of idiot boy’s financial records, it’s not the fact that he didn’t pay taxes but the how he did it…and that gets us to the fraud that oozes out of every page of the information. One of the ways they converted cash on hand into deductible business expenses involved Ivanka getting paid millions in “consulting fees” even though she was an employee…magically turning them into deductions that trump didn’t have to pay taxes on and even offsetting other income by just laundering them through that scam. This is not the first time Ivanka has been involved in shady fraud…there were three other times that she was inches away from being charged and then poof, the charges just went away. But not this time…the whole damn trump family is going to end up in jail…the moron son Eric has been forced to testify this week about his shady dealings with the family business and he is probably going to lie to them and end up being charged with perjury along with fraud….god, I can’t wait for these grifters who have done more to ruin this country that any family in history go to jail for a long, long time….tick tock, donnie…you’re next…

Holy crap! the NYT has trump’s taxes…

Well…the shit is about to hit the fan as it was just posted that the NYT has 15 years of trump’s taxes…and the first takeaway? In 2016 and 2017 the idiot boy paid only 750 dollars in taxes in each year….hmmmm…nice round numbers, and to have the exact same number for two years in a row is really fishy…and come on, I paid more taxes than that on my life insurance payout…in fact over 4 times more than the supposed billionaire paid…and I’m betting that most of you reading this paid way more in taxes than the fraud that sits in the WH. One other tidbit that came out so far is that idiot boy personally owes 300 million dollars in loans that come due in 2022 and he put up most of his property as collateral…I’m curious to see what the valuation of those properties are for those loans compared to what he valued them on his tax returns…you can pretty much be assured that they are not going to match and that is tax and banking fraud right there…and it’s in NYC so there are going to be state charges that he can’t pardon his way out of. Now we know why trump has been tweeting so psychotically all day today…the house of cards of fraud is going to be revealed this week…hey, maga assholes…trump paid less in taxes than you did….and you keep sending him money as he cheats to not pay any taxes…are you stupid or what? Get out the popcorn…

He’s leaving after the election…

Well…I am damn tired of all the hand wringing as the idiot trump bleats out of his lie hole that he may not leave the WH if he loses the election…hey, I’ve got news for him and for all of the alarmists that think trump is some kind of super genius to talk that way…he’s leaving…on the 21st of January next year, no matter what he says, his control of the government ends..that is written into the constitution and you can bet there will be enough people in the government who will do their jobs and transfer power to Biden…and that will leave trump with nothing but handcuffs and a jail cell in his future…so let’s stop giving idiot boy free publicity by constantly talking about…all the does is normalize trump’s unamerican behavior and makes people think it’s possible he might stay on…it’s not going to happen…especially if we get off our asses and vote to make the election a landslide for Joe….it’s up to us….

Even Putin thinks trump is going to lose…

Well…with the polls holding steady only 5 weeks from the election, more and more pundits are saying what we all hope for…that trump is going to lose the election…and the other day, it seems even Putin thinks idiot boy is going down and has started to bail on him by trying to soften the response that Biden is going to do when he is elected. Putin knows that he has had a useful dupe in idiot boy and has been able to do whatever he wants since he knows that trump won’t do anything against him, but Biden is different…he will listen to his intelligence folks and then take action against anyone who screws with us and our elections…that’s why Putin just floated the idea that there needs to be an agreement between the US and Russia not to interfere in each other’s elections or other internal matters…trying to get out in front of any action by Biden to retaliate for proven Russian meddling in our elections. This is what is keeping Putin up at night, losing his useful idiot in the WH and the hellstorm that is going to happen when someone who is not an idiot is elected and Russia and Putin has to pay for what trump has let him do…or even helped him do. To paraphrase a pundits comment during the Vietnam war about Walter Cronkite…when you’ve lost Walter, you’ve lost America…when trump loses Putin, he’s lost period…geez…vote!

Let’s compare…

Well…have been trying to figure out what to write about today and have finally come up with a topic….there were two town halls held in the presidential campaign this week and they could not have been more different…trump’s was filled with lies and lethargy as he sat on a chair looking like he wanted to be anywhere else than listening to real people with real problems hold his feet to the fire for his incompetence and stupidity. But at Biden’s, we saw what makes Joe the best person to go up against trump. Answering all the questions with details of policy and showing his trademark depth and empathy…and if you didn’t already know it, it showed he really does care for this country and the people in it…and he made sure to emphasize that he would be president for all of the people, not just those in the blue states. Watching Biden’s performance must have sent a few of trump’s cronies into shock since they have been trying so damn hard to label him as feeble minded and out of it…and sent the debate preppers into abject terror of what trump is going to face in the debates. It was so cool to see a normal America on the stage with Biden…not the “American carnage” and hate that trump spews and foments every damn day and have hope that if we elect Biden that things could start back toward normal and not live every day as if we all have PTSD. How could anyone who watched the idiot boy this week think he gives a damn about anyone but himself? That is the contrast that Biden’s campaign need to hammer on every day…and keep it up…

Daniel Dale should get combat pay….

Well…yeah, it has been a busy day and I am running late again…but I did want to talk about the fiasco of a town hall that ABC put on last night with the idiot trump being asked questions by a group of undecided voters…and let me interject right now…if you are an undecided voter after the last 4 years of the trump shitshow, you are not smart enough to vote and probably shouldn’t. Of course trump lied and lied and then lied some more…and that kept Daniel Dale busy, again, oh, probably should say that Dale is the fact checker for CNN who should get combat pay for covering idiot boy every day…but, his work is pretty easy at this point since trump lies about the same thing all the time…pre-existing conditions? The “great” repub plan to cover them is two weeks away just as it was in May, and as it was last year and the year before that…reminds me of the old saw about fusion power…it is always 30 years away and has been for 50 years…this time, the host of the town hall…George S actually called trump on his lies and made it clear that trump and his cronies are in court right now to remove coverage for them as they try to dismantle Obamacare…and that put everyone in shock since he is not known for actually doing journalism….oh, one jaw dropping part of the night was when asked about why he didn’t institute a mask mandate for the entire country, trump asked why Biden didn’t do it…and he had to be reminded that Biden isn’t president and he is…man, the debates are going to be lit if this is a preview of trump’s performance….let’s just leave it by saying that yes, this was shitshow and whoever thought this was a good idea in the WH is probably packing up his desk right now….geez….

What a selfish prick….

Well…if you read any of the Woodward book or saw any excerpt from it on tv, it is perfectly clear that the idiot trump doesn’t care about anyone but himself….especially since he knew how dangerous the virus was back in Feb but decided not to do anything about it since it would “make him look bad” if he did take it seriously…and this selfishness was on full display at his racist rally in Nevada last night when asked about the virus and that it might spread to his supporters….his answer: “I’m on stage and it’s very far away…and so I’m not at all concerned” …for him that is…but for the people who packed into this factory in a state that has an 8.5% positive test rate and who are NOT far away from each other he just doesn’t give a damn if he gets his jollies and gets to chant “lock him up”…and doesn’t see the irony that it is him that will be locked up when he loses the election. You know, I need to stop writing about this selfish asshole…I am going to consciously start looking for other topics that will help my brain calm itself and not feel so polluted…I think I have PTSD…

some thoughts…

Well… with the wildfires devastating California and Oregon, don’t you think it’s a little strange that the president of the country has not had a word to say about it? Or has done nothing about it…no offer of federal aid, no visit not a frickin peep out the asshole in chief…and we know the reason why…just as he did with the blue states at the start of the pandemic, trump just doesn’t care about any state that doesn’t vote for him…never mind that he is supposed to be president of all of the people of the US, he is just so damn petty that he won’t do anything, leaving blue states to fend for themselves when a major purpose of the federal government is to help the states when they need it…I wonder what the maga assholes think about that when they live in a blue state? They are probably still cheering as they lose their homes to the fire since it will “own the libs”….what a sick, sick way to think. What else? Oh, it’s now clear that rudy and Ron Johnson are actively working with a Russian operative to get fake dirt on Joe Biden…yep, they are working with a Russian spy who is known to spread Putin’s disinformation and talking point and ole rudy and a sitting US senator are eating it up and actively cooperating with him to damage the US…what the hell happened to the repub party? Crap, they are just another arm of Putin’s party these days and care more about what Putin thinks than what is best for the US…now that IS treason when you work with the US’s enemies to harm the US….god, I hate these guys…more and more every day….

Like Churchill? No damn way…

Well…the ridiculous liar has a new talking point about why he continuously lied to the American people about the severity of the virus…and, get this, he is comparing himself to Winston Churchill, saying that Churchill lied to the English people during WWII to “soften the blow” of bad news. We all know that the idiot trump doesn’t know anything about anything and history is one of his worst subjects…I mean taking the airports in the revolutionary War? What Churchill did was not to lie at all but the make sure that the English people knew how hard it was going to be after the rest of Europe fell and that they knew the stakes…and told the unvarnished truth that it was going to be the hardest thing any of them had ever done and there were going to be sacrifices of English lives if the country and the world were going to survive Hitler. He never said “Hitler is going to go away in the spring”….or “Hitler is under control and we may lose 15 people” like the idiot did…one thing we all have to remember is Churchill never said “I don’t take any responsibility at all” as the idiot did when asked about the covid response or lack of one that he really WAS responsible for.  How delusional do you have to be to compare the complete failure that trump is to a leader who led his country through WWII and helped win the war against fascism? trump delusional….and that is going to be the new descriptor for the most delusional person possible….trump delusional…fitting…

trump knew and, of course, he lied…

Well….why isn’t trump in jail right now? With the revelations from the Woodward book and tapes that he knew how dangerous the virus is and still went out every damn day for months telling people it would just “go away” and basically stopped doing anything to keep people safe, isn’t this a crime? 200,000 people dead and estimates that another 200,000 could die before the end of the year and there are still no consequences for the idiot boy….he’s still flying around the country putting on his superspreader rallies where no one wears a mask and they are jammed in should to shoulder…just last night he brought that bullshit to Michigan and in two weeks we’ll see a huge spike in cases that will keep our state partially closed for months more just so the idiot in chief can get his jollies from his spittle flecked lie fests…and I am damn tired of it…I want our state to continue to get back to normal but this event means that there will be no pool shooting until next year….and this “rally” was illegal but when did illegality mean anything to any repub? I’m just so damn tired of trump and his asshole followers shitting all over this country…people, please get out and vote…they all need to be gone…