Tag Archives: Joe Biden

Where’s the recession?

Well…I really like it when everybody is wrong about the economy….for the past year it seemed like all of the pundits and news media were certain that Joe Biden and his team couldn’t engineer the “soft landing” they were shooting for after cooling the economy and getting rid of the inflation that was causing problems…but they were all wrong…inflation is down to 2% and growth in the past quarter was 4%…and our economy is the best of any of the G7 countries by a large margin…but do you ever hear about this absolute miracle? Do you ever see anyone give Joe credit for how he handles anything? No you don’t because the media has chosen to both sides everything instead of printing the truth…and that is because the owners of that media are right wing assholes that don’t want their taxes raised, that don’t want anyone other than the rich to have nice things…I finally think this is starting to change as even fox news had to report how well the economy is doing…man, I’ll bet they were gritting their teeth when the reported that…geez…

The polls are turning…

Well…there has been a lot of hand wringing on the left with a poll back in November that had trump leading Biden in the 2024 election by a few points…and it was generally accepted that the poll was an outlier whose mechanics was off but that didn’t matter and the pundit class tried to tell us it was the death knell for Biden’s re-election prospects…not so fast…of the 8 polls done since, Joe is in the lead in every one of them and the trend is up for him as more and more people are starting to see the real idiot trump and the good economic news from Biden’s team’s competence in how they are handling inflation and recession fears that have been shouted by the pundits, too…look, we are living in the best economy in 20 years or more…do you think the idiot trump could do better? If you do, you need to get your head examined…and fast…geez…

Finally, good news is being reported…

Well…during the Biden administration, if you asked any man on the street if the economy was good or bad, they almost always called it bad no matter what was really going on…and a large part of it was the news media not doing their jobs in reporting the good news…but, I think that has started to change a bit with many articles about the almost nonexistent inflation that the fed has engineered…in October, there was no inflation at all and in November it was only .1 of a percent and the CBO forecast is for inflation to be right on the 2% target for the next five years and the fed has 3 interest rate decreases scheduled for 2024…and this all adds up to the vaunted “soft landing” that the fed has been working for…do you remember all the doom and gloom that we were heading for a deep recession when Biden took over? When you put competent people and not cronies in charge, it is not surprising that good things happen…but if you listen to fox news, they are still rooting for that recession saying the economy is terrible when it’s not…I guess liars gotta lie…geez…

Another great thing that Joe is doing…

Well…I am so damn tired of people don’t see that Joe Biden is doing anything to help anybody and that may make them vote for trump or not voting at all…well…let me tell you about the great thing he just frickin did that is going to help the whole damn country and protect it from the greed of drug companies…the FDA  is going to look at all of the drug companies and if they find that they are price gouging and if any of the research for the drug was paid for by tax money from the government, he will vacate the patent and give it to another company to produce…yep, you heard that right…finally, this one is going to have some teeth in it and it will bar the gouging company from getting any government research money for 10 years if they are guilty…so to all you doubters out there, do you think the idiot trump would do anything like this? Ha,ha…that made me laugh out loud…geez…

Who else?

Well…I don’t know what is wrong with some dems on the left of our spectrum when they have turned into anyone but Biden morons…and I think a lot of it is just sour grapes since Joe hasn’t gotten them everything they wanted and they sulk because of it…hey, I have news for you…that’s how politics works…it a compromise…what would you rather have? Joe doing his best with the complex politics of the world and the country or handing the country back to the repubs so they can finish it off? Then you get nothing…but that is what these progressive purists are going to make happen if they either protest vote for the idiot trump or just not vote at all…I just want all of these morons to just grow up…Joe on his worst day if light years better than any repub…and when you look at the good that Joe’s policies have done for the country and world, my question becomes who else? Who else would you run that could be elected and do what Joe’s done? Bernie, Warren? Nope, not going to happen…so just get out and vote for Joe and then in ’28 you can have you someone new…but if you don’t vote and you let the repubs take over, there won’t be a vote in ’28…and you better frickin believe it…geez…

Compare the two…

Well…just thought of a short topic to talk about this evening…not sure if you had time to read any news today but if you do, take a look at and compare the Thanksgiving statements from Joe and the idiot trump and try to tell me that Joe is losing it compared to the orange menace…Joe’s was soothing and nice while idiot boy’s was full of hate and attacks and really didn’t make much sense…if anyone can read idiot boy’s and think he should ever be president again you need some psychiatric help…and I never want to hear from you again…

Forget about the polls…

Well…with all the dems running around like their hair is on fire from a couple of polls that showed the serial felon idiot boy trump ahead of Joe Biden in a couple of swing states, I think we need to take a step back and remember that the polls have been wrong in the last two elections and they predicted a “red wave” last year that didn’t happen…and Joe pointed that out to the idiot Doocy in a press conference yesterday as the fox hack asked about it and Joe came back with the retort “read the polls, we’re ahead in 8 of 10 states” and Doocy didn’t respond other than to try to conflate Biden’s age with abortion access for some reason…all I can say is that if you want to hear someone who is failing mentally, just listen to the idiot trump who can’t string two sentences together…or no, don’t do that…if I ever hear that voice again I’ll poke my eardrums out…geez…

Super Biden…

Well…I know there are multitudes of people that are going on and on about Joe Biden’s age and some of them are still lying their asses off that he is senile…if what he has done in his term is senile, we need a lot more senile in our presidents…look, the skill that Joe shows every day is something to be seen…after the attack by Hamas on Israel, everyone said that Biden should stay out of it but he just couldn’t…and guess what? Humanitarian aid is getting into Gaza because Joe went to Israel and twisted a few arms to get Bibi to let the materiel through…do you really think the oaf trump could or would be able to do that? Not in a million years…he wouldn’t even care that people are dying in Gaza…they are “brown” after all and they have no worth to the idiot…so Joe re-energized NATO, pushed hard for aid to Ukraine that is destroying Russia’s army without one American boot on the ground, and has raised the respect that the world has for the US by being the tough, good guy that he is…and I sure want him for another term….no drama…

Ha, ha…

Well…with all of the attacks on Joe Biden for being old and slipping, I just saw a photo of Biden and the idiot trump side by side, Joe riding his bike and looking fit as ever, and idiot boy looking like a beached whale sitting in a golf cart…and the media keeps saying that idiot boy is the more fit? All you would have to do to see the monumental decline of idiot boy is to listen to the stupid interview that NBC did over the weekend…not that I’d ever want to have you damage you eyes or ears by doing that…cripes I’d have to use ear and eye bleach after that….look, I know Joe is 80 and has a history of gaffes at times but he did that when he was younger, too…it’s just who he is and I would much rather have a trim, fit 80 year old good guy for president than the clearly failing asshole that is trump….and one of these days the media needs to wise up along with the American people…there is only one choice to be made and it sure as hell isn’t trump…geez…

Americans are crazy…

Well…with the latest polls out that show the frickin idiot trump tied with Joe Biden really means that Americans are crazy…or stupid, or delusional…they even rate them the same on honesty and criminality…and that last one just makes me shake my head…the idiot charged with 91 felonies is the same as Jo Biden who has never been charged with a crime? The moron who tried to overthrow the government is rated the same as Joe who has done more for the country in 3 years than any president in history…the asshole who is one of only two presidents to lose jobs in his presidency is rated the same as Joe who has created 12 million jobs in his first three years? The dumbest president in history who added 7 trillion dollars to the debt in one term is rated the same as Joe who has taken the deficit down by a trillion dollars a year cleaning up after the disaster of trump? You get my point…anyone who thinks that idiot boy can compare to Joe in any way is just willfully stupid…and they would like nothing better to return to the circus of trump so they can continue to “own the libs” while the country burns and the rich steal it all…