Well…not sure if I have seen this in the news but this thought popped into my head on the bike today….why do the repubs always make life worse? Raising taxes on the middle class to give tax breaks to the rich makes life worse for most of the country…don’t they care? Gutting the EPA and letting big polluters get away with pushing the costs of their polluting onto the rest of us makes life worse for most of the country….don’t they care? Taking healthcare away from 13 million people makes life worse for those people….don’t they care? Letting the idiot trump destroy our standing in the world with his idiocy makes life worse for everyone in the world…don’t they care? You and I know the answer to that…they only care about their rich donors and rewarding them for keeping the money taps open….and they don’t give a damn that less than 20% of the country supports their tax scheme that is full of lies….but that is the modern repub for you folks….they really don’t care about you…even the stupid in this country that continue to vote these liars into office….they are the ones who will be hurt the most by this giveaway to the rich….but they are too stupid to understand that….impeach….
Tag Archives: impeachment
Wasn’t going to come back…
Well….I wasn’t going to come back for another one today but I am bored again so I thought I’d come back here for one more….have to work on the top on the car tomorrow…noticed that some more of the thread by the back window has failed and I have to fix it before winter…not really sure how I’ll do it but that’s for tomorrow…just watched Keith Olbermann’s last “The Resistance” that he did for GQ on twitter…he seems convinced that trump is gone soon with Mike Flynn’s lawyer working on a deal for his testimony against the idiot…it can’t happen too soon for me…and I will buy the house a round when they perp walk idiot boy out of his ugly, gaudy, golf course….this is going to be really ugly with the 30% of the country that are so stupid they still support the criminal in chief….and any changes that trump was allowed to make after his fraudulent election should be erased…shouldn’t we get a do-over after this travesty? I think once Mueller is done, the repubs will be exposed for the traitors they are since Ryan and McConnell both took Russian money for the RNC…clearly against the law and they should both go…at least there is one thing that can keep us sane…at the most, this nightmare will last only one more year…after the 2018 elections, if the trend of the past month or so holds, we’ll control at least the House and maybe even the senate….and the full force of sanity will be returned….impeach…
Person of the year?
Well…we all know that trump lies as much as he breathes…but, who would continue to lie about something that can easily be fact checked? This week, the idiot trump tweeted out that he had refused to be named time magazine’s Person of the Year since time had said he only “probably” would be named….trying to make it appear that Time had called him…but, there is just one tiny little problem with that…none of it happened..Time tweeted out a few hours later that they never talked to the idiot at all…and that the person is never told about it until the selection is made public in the early part of December. Now, let’s call trump’s delusion what it is…he is frickin mentally ill…and the media will never call him on it…every reporter should ask him about this every time he leaves his golf club where he is “working”…and keep it up until he explodes….impeach…
Flynn has flipped….
Well…was going to write about his one yesterday when the news came out but I was overdosed on turkey and just didn’t feel like it….as was reported by the NYT yesterday, Mike Flynn’s lawyers have stopped talking to the idiot trump’s lawyers and there is only one reason that that would happen…Flynn is flipping on trump and cutting a deal to keep himself and his son out of prison for the rest of their lives….I am just going to savor that for a while….and revel in the irony that the idiot that led the chants of “lock her up” at the repub convention is probably going to do some jail time and Hillary has been proven to be innocent of all of the right wing smear charges that floated around during the election….Mueller is coming for trump and has him…and there may be bombshells by the end of the year and I can’t wait to see the charges against the idiot….get the popcorn ready….impeach….
Had to do this one…
Well…if you didn’t already know it, the idiot trump today showed just how despicable he really is….after some American college basketball players were arrested in China for shoplifting, the idiot trump took credit for getting them out when he really had nothing to do with it….but the worst part was in trump’s tweets today where he raged that he should have left them in jail…. and all because one of the player’s father didn’t kiss trump’s ass enough…yep, our so called president thin skin didn’t get the praise he thought he should so he acts like the 4 year old he is and thinks American citizens should pay by going back to a Chinese jail. This idiot is just not right in the head….by any objective measure, or just observation trump is not right…is this one enough for you repubs? Or, do we have to wait for the indictments? Impeach….
Now they’re going after elephants…
Well…we all know that the selfish assholes that infest the trump administration are only out for themselves…to see how they can use their government positions for personal gain or for gain for the idiot trumps…and now they are going after elephants for no reason other than the trump boys like to shoot them. In the Obama administration, it was recognized that something had to be done about the declining populations of African elephants that were being decimated by licensed hunters and poachers….and one of the things that was done was a ban on importation of any trophies taken from these elephants. But now, the idiot trump is now rescinding that rule…which is being done just for the idiot trump boys since they whined to daddy that they couldn’t cut up the elephants they shot for sport and bring back their “trophies”. As we know more and more about elephants and their intelligence and devotion others in their families, it is unconscionable that trump and his cronies don’t give a damn about destroying them just to have “fun”….but, what else do you expect from this crime family? Impeach…
Trump supporters really are dumb…
Well…I know I’ve harped on this quite a bit since the idiot got elected, but, damn…they really are dumb and do really dumb things the end up in the news every day. The latest one made me laugh at first, then made me fear for the future of this country….last night, for a bit on Jimmy Kimmel’s show, which I never stay up late enough to see, they sent one of their producers out to ask trump voters if Hillary should be impeached…never mind that she is just a private citizen now and the people interviewed either didn’t realize this or they don’t know what impeachment is….every damn one of them, when asked said “yes” that Hillary should be impeached for e-mails, uranium, and all of the laws she has broken…never mind that she is the most investigated person in the history of the US and they never found one instance where she broke the law….they all KNEW she was guilty…I guess this is the result of the billions of dollars of smears and slanders from the right and fox news….and it is a pretty good indictment of the average trump voter…just a bunch of know-nothings…impeach….
Yes, Kellyanne is that stupid…
Well…the idiot trump’s propaganda minister, Kellyanne Conway, was on the Sunday shows yesterday, and showed once again that she is really not too bright. Commenting on the pedophile Roy Moore, she went on to say that if the allegations against Moore were true he should step aside…but then the idiot went on and said this: “if there is anyone currently in public office who has behaved that way to any girl or woman, maybe they should step aside”…now, Kellyanne….you do know that your boss has admitted to sexually assaulting at least one woman…so now you say he should step aside? No, of course not…whatever the idiot trump does is just fine…and the 13 women who have accused him are all lying…right? So much for the “family values” party…impeach…
Can we get rid of this ass already?
Well…another day, another bout of abject stupidity by the idiot trump….the idiot was shooting his mouth off yesterday at some conference in Vietnam after he was asked about Russian meddling in our elections (something they are still doing right now) and idiot boy said that he talked to Putin about it and then whined that he couldn’t keep asking Vlad about it because he may get mad….well…damn, how many times do we have to listen when this ass just lies and lies…when Putin was asked about it, he said that the topic never came up and trump didn’t ask him about it…so now, this is where we are…that the murderous former head of the KGB is more trusted than the so-called president…but that wasn’t the worst thing…in that same interview, idiot boy threw the entire US intelligence community under the bus saying that he trusts Putin more than the “political hacks” who are running our intelligence agencies…let that sink in a bit…the idiot just committed treason by favoring a foreign power over the US…and what was the response of the repubs in congress while this ass was denigrating our military…on Veteran’s Day? Yep, that’s crickets you hear…impeach this ass….
Can they be this unaware?
Well…just a short one on an article I just read about he reaction of Mike Pence on the allegations of child molestation against Roy Moore…this is what the idiot’s spokesman said that the veep felt: “found the allegations in the story disturbing and believes, if true, this would disqualify anyone from serving in office”….now, does anyone else see the blazing hypocrisy here? His boss, the admitted serial sexual assaulter is just perfectly fine since the women he assualted were of age? Can the modern repubs be so self unaware that they can say this with a straight face? I have had it with this bunch of criminals and degenerates….impeach them all….