Tag Archives: life

Last one for the year…

Well…normally, I don’t dwell on the past or do a summary one for the end of the year but I’m bored and thought I’d just talk a little bit and see what happens…it really has been an okay year other than crashing the bike….it was a little disappointing to not be able to find a house but I’ll get that done by summer of next year…am basically ready for that with the down payment in the bank and my credit almost repaired….so that was a little progress…and I did get my health checked out and found that I’m just old and have the normal stuff that happens when you age…but no colon cancer or any problems that need to be treated so, for being an old guy, that is pretty cool. I did get one thing checked off my bucket list with the trip to NYC and I am now thinking about what I want to do for next year…maybe a return to NYC or a new city? I can afford to do one trip next year but I’m not sure if I’ll need to use that money to fix the house when I get it…we’ll see when I finally find one…it has been okay living on SS for the past 18 months and I have been able to pay all of my bills and put some cash in the bank so that is cool…and I’m getting a 60 buck a month bump next month that will pay for the increase in Medicare that I signed up for and still leave 52 a month of it that will buy a week’s groceries…I guess what I’m saying is that life could be much worse and it’s time for football…so I’m going to get a pillow and lounge it out on the couch while I veg away the afternoon…no more later….

December 31st

Well…having a hard time getting going this morning and I think it’s from a lack of motivation more than anything else…my shoulder is hurting again and my plan to stop taking ibuprofen for it is going to have to wait until the swelling goes down more…slept okay and almost had dreams last night…I think…and I figured out how to prop my right arm up to keep the pain from keeping me awake so that helped…I did get out for a bike ride yesterday but it looks like it is going to rain all day today so I will take the day off and leave the mileage under 3,500 for the year… only missed it by about 20 miles so that is okay…might have a more aggressive goal for next year but we’ll see…had another day of not getting anything done yesterday but I may try to clean a little today if my shoulder will take it…but, right now it hurts too much to do much more than this so I’ll think about that later…not much to do today…don’t have any errands to run or anything so it looks like another hunker down day where I’ll just hang out and watch more sports…more later…

December 30th

Well…that was a pretty sucky day in sports for my teams and Michigan was embarrassed again in another bowl game…the same thing happened to ND so now all I have to look forward to is Man U this morning and Michigan State tomorrow…and the Lions need to lose today to get a better draft pick but I still may watch it…slept okay last night and the pain from my shoulder was tolerable but it seems to be worse right now…I may have aggravated it cleaning the snow off the car so I could get the newspaper this morning…and it looks like no bike ride today since the roads around here are a skating rink and there is no way I’m going to chance going down again…I think I may have hurt my hip in the crash, too, since it hurts and is making it a little hard to get into the car but at least I can can put it in reverse without howling in pain so I guess that’s something…didn’t get much done yesterday and I am going to veg it out again today since the tendon in my shoulder will only heal with rest and any sort of cleaning will aggravate it…darn…that’s too bad….more later…

December 29th

Well…didn’t sleep too well with the pain starting up in my shoulder again…tried lying on it and that was a huge mistake…but it’s more of a dull pain so I guess I can live with it….it’s been a week now…almost…and I had hoped that it would heal faster…oh, well…still really can’t put pressure on it so I haven’t been able to clean…darn…and today looks like I’ll have to take it easy again…and there is so much sports on that I won’t be too bored…soccer to start the day and then Michigan plays at noon followed by the national championship playoffs that will take me to the end of the night….and I may be able to get on the bike again but it is pretty cold out there so that will have to wait a while…not going to chance the ice again…still working on leftovers from the big ham I made Tuesday and the chicken I made yesterday so there will be no cooking today…it looks like I really am going to have a total veg day today and that is not a bad thing…I seem to have been able to shut off the guilt with being injured…but I hope I don’t have to be injured to continue it…more later…

No politics right now…

Well…I feel like I’m in shock with everything going on with the idiot trump so I need a day without thinking about how he is trashing this country…so, I won’t…at least here…I did get out for a bike ride today in shorts and without gloves this morning since it was 51 degrees but the temp immediately started to fall and it was down to about 46 when I got back here and I was kicking myself for not putting a pair of gloves in the bag just in case….my shoulder was okay most of the way but started to hurt about 3 miles away and that continued after I got back here….but, I don’t think I did any permanent damage with the pain quickly going away…well…not going away but it got better but I need to stay ahead of the pain with some more ibuprofen right now…it sure was nice to be out with just a fleece and in shorts…you can feel the bike better and it just seems right…and, this time, I wasn’t the only one out in shorts…a couple of runners were brave, too…or crazy, however you want to look at it…that ends today, though, with it getting colder now and staying that way for the next week or so…still not a bad winter so far and I’ll take it…any day I can ride is a good one…but, it looks like I won’t get to 3,500 miles this year…going to miss it by about 25 miles but that still makes it a good year…oh, I did ride 161 miles on the old bike so I guess I’m over 3,500 with the two combined…not bad for an old guy….

December 28th

Well…running late today with not getting up until 6:24 and just pouring my first cup of coffee…slept okay last night and didn’t hurt my shoulder nearly as much as yesterday so I think I’m ahead of the game…and I have been able to pick up my coffee cup so that is a good sign…maybe there is progress today instead of regression…I can feel the tendons catching in there now so the swelling is going down gradually…didn’t get anything done yesterday but running some errands and washing the car and today will be much the same with trying to not put any strain on my shoulder..but, I am going out on the bike today…in shorts since it is over 50 out there right now and it will be a nice way to end the year…didn’t get to go out yesterday with all of the rain but I think that helped my shoulder feel better…that and ibuprofen and I have already started that…and I do have some chicken to cook today and that will a welcome change…more later…

December 27th

Well…running a little early today with not having much to get at Meijers today….my shoulder has really regressed today to the point that I could barely use it when I got up and it hurts like crazy again…not sure if it is from sleeping wrong or from riding the bike but I do know it’s depressing to go back three steps and have to nurse it again…so, I don’t think I’ll ride today and I’ll use the rain as an excuse…it’s supposed to start soon and then rain most of the day…I did take some ibuprofen when I got up and I hope that helps soon…but, I know a tendon injury can take months to heal so I guess I’ll just hunker down and try to rest it…other than that…it was an okay day yesterday but didn’t get much done but watch soccer and football and today will be much the same…shoulder hurts too much to clean so I am going to take it easy….I do have to run out to Aldi’s to get some chicken thighs since they are on sale cheap and I am getting tired of ham….more later….

December 26th

Well…slept a little better last night with my shoulder getting better and that was a welcome change…I’ve been able to pick up a coffee cup this morning…still with some pain but, when I got up yesterday, it was impossible to do it hurt so bad…and trying to lift the ham out of the oven damn near killed me with pain…I think part of it is taking ibuprofen to get the swelling down…now it’s mostly just tight instead of pain so I think I’ll skip calling the doctor and just see how the healing goes…I am going to get back on the bike today as soon as it gets light but will take it easy…I do need to get out and back before 10 since Man U is playing this morning…I did have a nice ham dinner yesterday and that leaves me enough leftovers to eat for a week or so… so I won’t be cooking at all the rest of the week…I do have to clean some but think I’ll wait until the shoulder heals more…don’t want to do too much and aggravate it…more later…

December 25th

Well…okay, this is what I expected…my shoulder is screaming in pain today and it is fitting the two day rule where damage shows up two days after it happens…and I can barely use it…even just took some pain meds this early to take the top off the pain…still don’t think I broke anything but if it stays this way, I’ll call the doctor tomorrow and see if I can get in….I’ve sure regressed since yesterday and that is depressing…didn’t sleep well at all last night and I am feeling it right now…that’s why I’m easing into the day and hoping that the coffee works soon…I am going to make a big dinner today for some reason but peeling the potatoes is going to be a chore that I’m not sure how it will work…still can’t put any pressure on my right shoulder and can’t raise my arm at all…crap…I was hoping the healing would be on it’s way today…okay…going to stop bitching about that right now and come back later to do another one…more later…

It still hurts…

Well….damn, my shoulder still hurts but I did get out to run the errands I needed to…trying to put the car in reverse was just too painful so I had to reach across and use my left hand to do it…even putting the key in the ignition hurt like crazy and I couldn’t raise my arm enough to use it to steer…but, I normally use my left hand anyway so that wasn’t too different…the worst part was trying to put a fleece on since I can’t raise my arm or put any pressure on it….can’t even lift a coffee cup with my arm extended…but, I will say this…the pain is less than yesterday…it doesn’t hurt much just sitting here today and that is without taking any ibuprofen yet….couldn’t even get off the couch yesterday without screaming pain and that is better so maybe I won’t have to see my doctor after all…I am going to skip the bike ride today but l’ll try it tomorrow…more later…