Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Remember, everything can be undone…

Well…yeah, I’m running late for this one today with being busy with all kinds of other stuff that has left me sore as heck…it even hurts to type so this one is going to be short…if you are getting disheartened with all of the damage that trump and his cronies are doing to this country, just remember one thing…everything they do can be undone if we just get the hell out and vote in November. Just today, we had the trump toady Barr put his fingers in another case by dropping the charges against Michael Flynn who admitted to lying to the FBI and plead guilty to that and other charges…but that doesn’t matter to Barr…he dropped the charges anyway and the speculation is it was to head off the idiot trump pardoning Flynn since the pardon could be used against trump in the campaign…not that he wasn’t guilty, the justice department is now just another part of idiot boy’s campaign apparatus…and that is something that has never happened in the history of this country. But, guess what doesn’t happen, the evidence against Flynn doesn’t magically disappear…it will still be there when an ethical AG is appointed by Biden in January and the charges can then be re-instated and Flynn will still pay for his betrayal of this country…and this goes for every other damn thing trump is doing….letting polluters off the hook for killing people? Not after January….favoring red states over blue? Done after January….and so on and so on….all we need to do is vote and this nightmare will be over…and trump will be in jail….

31 million out of work…

Well…if the idiot trump’s incompetence wasn’t clear before, and really, it has been damn clear for years now, the new number of  unemployed will clear out all of the smog…31 million Americans out of work…let’s put that in perspective…this is the same percentage of people that were out of work in the great depression…24-25%…even at the trough of the great recession of 2008, the unemployment rate only reached 10%….and the carnage isn’t over yet….layoffs are still happening with at least another 5-7 million yet to come…so I guess trump does have a record that everyone can point to. The bitch of the whole thing is that it didn’t have to happen…many other economies in developed countries who have competent leaders who don’t just hold rallies and golf are doing so much better than the US…and let’s shut the repub apologists up right here….that the virus is an “act of god” that no one could have done better against…just look at Germany and France for example, who do have competent leaders who believe in science and think it IS their responsibility to protect their nations…same virus but different outcomes…many fewer deaths and much less economic damage…and all of the pain here was and is still being caused by the fact that trump is just so damn stupid…and he doesn’t really care about what the effects are on regular Americans…repeat after me…he only cares about getting re-elected and that is why he wants the economy to be “opened” no matter how many deaths it causes…but re-election is not going to happen even if he learns to shit gold and gives a million dollars to everyone….he is going to continue to kill Americans by his stupidity…and when the number reaches 200,000 or more as the summer comes, more and more people are going to have a friend or relative that has died because of trump and who, other than trump zombies, will vote for the idiot who killed grandma, or sister, or brother, or son, or daughter, or grandpa? Not many of us who live in the sane world that’s for sure…..

trump’s goalposts are mounted on a Lamborghini…

Well…hey, idiot boy, didn’t you say that there were only going to be 15 cases of the virus and that “it will be gone soon”…then didn’t you say that there would be 30,000 dead and that meant you had done a”terrific job” of dealing with the virus? Now, I wonder where those goalposts are? Yeah, mounted on the back of Lamborghini that you are driving at full speed trying to keep up with the results of your bungling of the response…now where are they? Halfway to Cleveland as you announced that there was going to be at least 100,000 deaths but then your “secret assessment” that includes the effects of “reopening” the country predicts this stupid move is going to cost the country 3,000 deaths a day…and, let’s do the math….3,000 times 30 is 90,000 deaths in just one month…and as more and more people are exposed that could rise to more than a million a month….and that means the goalposts are now in the middle of the Pacific ocean mounted on a 4 engine ocean speedboat moving at 150 mph. And he still takes “no responsibility” when all of the experts say that if he had actually done anything in January and February, 90% of the deaths would have been prevented….I guess this is one thing that the idiot trump will be the “best” at…killing Americans with millions of deaths on his hands…more than the Civil War, more than every other war combined….I wonder where the goalposts will be next week…the moon? Space X has probably been contacted by idiot boy to use a Falcon 9 for that move….and trump tweets as Americans die….

The lying selfish asshole strikes again…

Well….yeah, this story broke late last week but I’m just getting to it now with a reminder that I found in my notebook where I keep all my logins and passwords…it seems that the lying selfish asshole squatting in the WH is getting antsy with not having any chance to get fluffed by his moronic followers with the coronavirus lockdown, so he decided that a good way to get his jollies is to force the West Point cadets who are graduating to come out of where they are sheltering in place and all come back to West Point so the idiot in chief can spew his hatred at them and the rest of the world. What this means is that these cadets now have to endure a two week strict quarantine without any contact with anyone for the two weeks before the “campaign rally” to ensure they don’t bring the virus with them to West Point…but then, after the moron’s speech, they need to do another two weeks in quarantine since there will be no social distancing that can be done when the cadets are all jammed in shoulder to shoulder just so the moron can stroke his own ego….and the idiot boy lied about it and said he was “invited” to speak at the graduation, even though there was no plan to even hold it with the viral pandemic raging in NY. This is the narcisistic asshole at his very worst…putting a thousand people at risk and taking a month out of their lives just so he can act like the commander in chief…but no competent commander would ever put his troops at risk for no reason at all…but trump has never been accused of competency in anything….where are the repubs who bleat their “love” of the military? Why aren’t they pushing back on trump using them as props for a campaign rally? Yeah, we all know the answer to that…the love was all cynical lies that were abandoned when it was expedient to so so….what a bunch of hypcrites…

So now he’s killing people for his re-election…

Well…with new polls out that show Joe Biden up by double digits across the country and leading or tied in every swing state, the idiot trump has to do something, anything to try to steal the election and keep himself out of jail….and he has chosen to push as hard as he can with the help of his repub enablers to “open” the economy no matter what the cost. Let’s be blunt, this is going to cost American lives on top of the 60,000 his bungling has already killed…and I have a question…since when can a *president get re-elected after his bungling cost 60,000 American lives? One of the new pushes by idiot boy is to use an excutive order to force the closed meat processing plants that are a hotbed of coronavirus infections to restart now…and he has basically immunized the owners (repub donors) of any liability if they kill their workers while they do it…and to punish these workers even more, if they are in fear for their lives and don’t want to go back to work, all assistance will be cut off to them…no more unemployment, no food stamps, no assistance of any sort including any of the 1200 dollar stimulus checks that haven’t gone out yet. This is your repubs, folks…I remember a time that protecting EVERY American life was the purpose of government…but I guess under the repubs every life should be protected until they run out of pork chops or chicken wings. But, we knew that didn’t we? Over the past 40 years it has been the repubs mission to hurt those least able to fight back as they shred the safety net and made sure that even working full time is not enough to live on….and the owners go on buying their new yachts as they stay in their gated communities away from the rabble that can be sacrificed at will to maintain their profits…what a sick, sick little man….

Shut the hell up, donnie…

Well…finally, it appears that along with the world, the US is getting tired of the idiot in chief’s lies and bullshit….and the media is starting to call him out and ask tough questions that the dotard can’t lie his way through…on CNN the other day, Anderson Cooper just gave up and said “he’s lying” as they cut away from moron boy speaking…so now the toddler in chief has cancelled the daily coronavirus updates since he can’t just bullshit and bluster his way through anymore…and I think telling people to poison themselves with disinfectant cleaners and the resulting pushback has made the performances much less fun for the moron…so like the mental toddler he is, he is just going to stamp his feet and go on twitter to attack everyone in the damn country it seems….and that is the reason that lil donnie should just shut the hell up….if you’re not going to do something constructive, then just sit there in the WH with your hamberders and tv and let the rest of us get on with it…just shut…the…hell…up…

The world weighs in on trump…

Well….the rest of the world is staring at the US and it’s non-existent national response to the coronavirus pandemic and have started to ask the question “what happened?” 30 million people out of work, food lines stretching for miles, and the highest death toll from the virus in the world…and they are finally getting the idea that it is trump’s fault…and they are starting to be honest about everything that the idiot boy has done…from shattering long term alliances, to shredding treaties that he doesn’t like, to embracing dictators around the world, they now have trump’s number and they are now not shy about weighing in on the incompetence and stupidity of the moron in chief….in just three short years, trump has taken this country from the respect that was built from WW II to his election to an international pariah who no one can count on anymore…and, for the first time in a century, absolutely no one is turning to the US for leadership or guidance…and, thanks to trump, American democracy is no longer worthy of admiration as he sows the seeds of hate and division…along with his prime enabler Mitch McConnell who just last week said that he will block any aid that helps any blue state…even though his state of Kentucky gets much more back from the federal government than they put in every year…subsidized by the very blue states who Moscowmitch wants to hurt. So, trump on his own in only 3 years has allowed our power and our respect in the world to wither away by his stupidity and 3rd grade view of how the world works….and the rest of the world has moved on and is laughing at him…the world has trump’s number and they are finally realizing that we are no longer trustworthy partners so they are going to go it alone….nice job you asshole….

More stupidity from the moron in chief…

Well….as if pushing an unapproved drug for coronvirus that kills people isn’t enough, the moron in chief yesterday told his stupid followers that “intense” UV rays and injecting disinfectant is the new cure…yep, you heard that bit of colossal stupidity right….he wants people to get 3rd degree sunburns and inject themselves with Lysol to “cure” the virus…and do you want to bet that some of his followers are going to do it? Look, repubs, I know you want more unqualified judges, but do you really want this idiot killing more people than the 60,000 he already has? Okay, we all know the answer to that…and it is yes…yes they do want to kill more people…especially if they are the brown and black people who are disproportionately killed by the virus. Why do you think Kemp wants to open Georgia? Because the right wing media is still pushing the idea that white people are immune and that is one of the reasons for the “demonstrations” by all white people to reopen the country….along with the whole “the cure is worse than the disease” lies that are pushed by the billionaires who are behind the idiot uprising. I am getting just so tired of having to live in a country run by a moron and his moron cronies…where every day we have to listen to someone who should be in a mental institution instead of the WH….just shaking my head….so much that it’s hurting my neck…

Oil is crashing…

Well…another thing that trump gets involved in crashes and burns…just today, after trump boasted about his “greatest deal” to get Russia and Saudi Arabia to cut oil production, oil prices crashed to their lowest point in almost 30 years….trading as low as a dollar a barrel this afternoon with the prospect of oil companies having to pay people to get them to take their oil….I know that not all of this is trump’s fault, but much is since this crash is related to coronavirus pandemic that is burning through this country as trump fiddled away all of the early warning time he was given to golf and hold rallies. One thing that has been puzzling me from the start of the oil crash is whey the hell was trump trying to raise prices in the first place? Well…we know the why is that his cronies in the oil business have been pushing him to do something to get their profits back up, but doesn’t trump realize that every dollar a barrel means a hundred million dollars in “tax” on the American consumer? Cripes we know the answer to that one, too…he just doesn’t care as long as he can take care of his cronies….he never gave a damn about anyone but himself for his whole life so why would now be different? My big bitch about the whole thing is that with not being able to drive, I can’t take advantage of the cheap gas prices that may go under a buck a gallon soon…

Now the idiot is calling for civil war…

Well….after the embarrassing pushback from dem governors on the idiot trump’s ranting that he controls the states and when they come out of quarantine, he now has a new rant going on…and it is a coded message to his followers to “liberate” all of the states that are run by duly elected dem governors…essentially calling for civil war and violence against these elected officials. So, hey repubs…especially you, Susan Collins, is this the changed trump you just “knew” was going to appear after your rigged trial in the senate? This is the treasonous criminal you let off the hook just to give more money to the rich and to pack the courts with unqualified judges who will ignore the law and vote for the repubs political advantage…and now he is calling for murder of his political opponents…and it is a call for murder…it’s not just “trump being trump” as you folks on the right excuse all of his shredding of our constitution and criminality…and now what the hell are you going to do about this? Okay, I knew I could get you laughing with that one…they are going to do not…one…damn….thing. They are going to open up their red states and murder more than the 60,000 Americans trump’s incompetence has already killed….and it goes on and on and on….November, please get here fast…